You began helping other students by hitting their opponents with spells as they focused solely on them.

You felt as though you weren't truly awake. All of this was so sudden. Knowing you could try to keep out all of these people, meant that it was less likely that many of these evil people could reach fred and George. Of course you hoped that no one you knew would be hurt or killed but your bond with those twins went beyond anything else. You'd been living with the two of them for months, training them up for this moment in particular.

More of them made it inside the castle, you used your force to pull them back, something you once did on Cedric. As they moved back you hit then with a spell, "immobulus." which made them all fall to the floor, unable to move. You then used the confundus charm on them, making them useless. You picked up there wands too, adding them to the collection in your waist band.

"Y/n, is everything alright." Neville said coming close to you.

"Neville." You smiled at the innocent look on his face, "I'm fine." You replied, pushing away an upcoming deatheater.

"Does that hurt you?" He asked.

"It's starting to now because I'm using it more than usual but it's not that bad." You said in a calming tone, trying to keep your peers calm. You could feel your eyes were beginning to hurt like they did when your force was reaching a type of limit- or where you held it in too long.

Neville spoke a few more words followed by leaving to go and fight more. This was insane, you were seeing your younger peers fighting full grown people. But then your heart broke. You had seen your first travesty of your side. You knew it wasn't the first one of the night but it was the first one you had seen. You pushed back the deatheater, further than the others, as he admired the young girl.

"Oh no, please be okay." You said, trying to find her pulse. But there wasn't one. She had been hit with the killing curse.

You didn't want to leave her where she was but you had no where else to put her body. You had to leave it.

By now deatheaters and Voldemort supporters were roaming the castle, killing and hurting young children. You walked in, throwing multiple spells at the people surrounding you.

"Well done y/n, youre mastering the world of magic." Someone was sarcastically clapping and coming up slowly from behind you.

"Father." You whispered, slowly turning your head.

"Yes, I have finally come face to face with you again." He looked even more run down than before, his life was clearly not on track at all.

You held up your wand to him, "ah ah ah, we aren't there yet. I want to talk."

"You might be more dumb than I thought by thinking I want to talk to you. After everything."

"You're a hard person to find y/n, where have you been camping out?" He asked, now holding up his wand to you.

"That's none of your business." You replied.

"A weasley though, I think you can do better." He pouted and teased.

"What do you mean?" You had never mentioned Fred to him before.

"I was upstairs, he was talking about you with his brothers."

"If you did anything to him I swear to-" you felt your eyes hurting more. You were about to send him flying.

"I didn't touch him. Yet. However, I might hurt him, maybe take him in like I did you get him to make you give me the vault."

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now