"When in reality I wanted us to see both but distinctly remembered having plans with mine before having plans with his." I had mentioned.

Couples therapy was nothing I expected to go into at only twenty-five years old. In fact, I had never expected to go into couple's therapy. But there are no words to describe how grateful I am for the experience it was. Our communication now is quite simple. Honesty. Always without exception. Joe's always been really good with being open and honest. Especially when it came to us as a couple. That's the one thing I could always count on. But I, of course, had to work on it... a lot.

"Hello Addison, so, I want this to be an easy experience for you. Have you ever been to therapy before?"

"I am currently in couple's therapy with my fiancé, but individually, no." I answered, my fingers playing with one another on my lap.

"Okay, well, let's start off super simple. What has brought you to starting?"

"Honestly, I've been through a lot for a twenty-five-year-old. I don't really trust well; I have a hard time with communication, and I really just want to learn how to be better with those things for it to improve my life personally but also my relationship with my fiancé."

She nods. "Alright, well, that's a great place to start. You said you've been through a lot, and I definitely want to kind of just jump into that some, if you don't mind. Can you explain what you mean by that? What you've been through?"

"Sure. So, I'm actually pretty open to what's happened to me now. It took some time but when I was a baby I was abducted by my parents' friends. They had just been married and were having a really hard time conceiving. So, they took me and then a couple years later got pregnant with their first child but kept me for the fear of being arrested or whatever the case. So, I spent the first twenty-three years of my life believing that I was their daughter. And then who I thought was my father died suddenly and because of this who I thought was my mother told me everything and I was then able to find my biological parents." I explained, as simply as I could.

"Okay, wow, that definitely is a lot. I understand why you would have some trouble trusting." She said. "May I ask, although this did happen, would you describe your life before you knew you were abducted as happy? Happy childhood and all?"

"Um, not exactly. I lived a very sheltered life. My so-called father worked a super unethical job, so we were always really sheltered and protected. We were trained to fight through life, and we were all supposed to live the life that he was living which wasn't something that I wanted to do and constantly was reminding him of that. However, it wasn't a choice. So, I struggled through my teen years specifically but I did also struggle with it while I was kid too. I always felt different and wanted things differently than what I was given but then also told that I should've been grateful for all that I had. So, it was very demonizing almost."

She nodded. "Okay. So you've, it seems, always struggled with feeling like you didn't really fit into your environment and wanting something more."

"Exactly. When I was twenty-one, I ran away from home, if you can call it that, I mean I was an adult," I laughed lightly. "And when I did, I ended up in Eureka California. I got my own job at a diner, and I met my fiancé there actually. Um, I made a life for myself and my, who I thought were my parents basically kidnapped me and forced me back to Texas where I'm originally from. There I was disowned by them, and I went back and then have just been living my own life since then."

She nodded. "Wow."

I nodded as well, "Yeah, it was definitely a lot."

"So, do you think any of your past, any of that life you had has anything to do with why you have such trouble with communication or the trust?"

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