"It was my fault," Joe had cut in, taking full responsibility.

"I wouldn't say that was true," Addison shakes her head.

"Why do you feel it was your fault?" the woman asked, directing her question to Joe.

"I pushed her away. I was getting nervous. I had never felt so deeply for someone, and it was making me nervous. Scared even, I think. So, I picked an argument and I said things that I knew would push her to leaving me." Joe explained.

My fingers had found each other immediately, the conversation at hand made me uncomfortable.

"Addison, do you agree with Joe on this?" she asked me.

My head spun for a moment. "I agree and disagree. Obviously, part of this is true or else he wouldn't have said it. But I also had a hand in what happened."

"How so?"

"Well, I had never been easy to be with. I came from a life where I was forced to be extremely independent, and I wasn't very open with talking about emotion or how I was feeling. So, with that in mind, I feel as though it was most definitely partially my fault. For not being more open, for not being more expressive. It almost felt as if Joe had to guess what I was thinking and that's not the way it should be."

The woman nodded "So, these things that came up, what were they?"

"Well, I had brought up the topic of work. She had recently lost her job that she really loved, and I had been pressuring her to stay out of work because my job requires a lot of travel and I wanted her to be with me rather than back home working."

"And what was said?" she asked.

"I claimed that she wanted to be apart from me and that it had nothing to do with her actually wanted to work. I had said that she just didn't want to spend the time with me." Joe responded.

"Addison, would you say Joe was completely wrong in his feelings?"

"I understand now why he would feel the way that he did at the time. I was constantly talking about how upset I was that my job had closed and that I wasn't able to work. However, on the opposite side of thing, I was very much in the state of mind that he didn't want me working at all which I didn't like. I had always been passionate about working and earning things on my own because as I said before, I am a very independent person. So, I think at the time I got offended at the fact that he didn't know me enough to know that it wasn't that I didn't want to spend time with him, it was more the fact that I needed the aspect of working for myself." I explained, carefully choosing my words so it didn't come off wrong.

"I knew what I was saying wasn't true as I said it." Joe tells her. "I know that she is very independent, and she likes to work for the things that she has, and I respect that especially as someone that can give her anything that she would want. She doesn't want to be handed the things she wants or needs; she wants to work for them herself. But in the moment, I wasn't thinking 'I know this isn't true' I was thinking 'I know this will start an argument'."

"So, the topic of work started the argument it seems."

"Not exactly. It was a factor but what had started the argument was when he called me controlling." I spoke up.

"Okay," she said. "Joe."

"I had basically said that things always had to be the way that she wanted them and there was no compromise. We had made two different sets of plans to see our families and of course she wanted to go see her family and I wanted to see mine, so I mentioned the controlling thing because she wanted to see her family rather than mine."

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now