17 - World History

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Just like Byakuya asked, Renji finished his world history worksheet before his first lesson, whilst he did the sheet he felt very giddy. Like a child who had just gotten a new toy and it was waiting at home for him. He was elated. Absolutely ecstatic. He couldn't sit still, bouncing his legs throughout his first three lessons; tapping the edge of his desk—obviously annoying the students around him.

He couldn't contain his excitement, it was hard to focus on his school work. He felt like he was living in a dream, his heart beat felt like a pair of dove wings gently flapping in his chest; felt like it was floating around in his body freely. And that feeling got worse once the man who made him feel that way entered the class room, Mr. Byakuya Kuchiki. Without his consent his mouth turned from a coy smile, to a childish grin; he wanted to jump out of his seat and hug the substitute teacher, wanted to hold him close and feel that what happened last night was real—that they were in a relationship.

He only noticed his expression whenever his partner who stood at the front of his classroom looked him directly in the eyes and shook his head faintly; not wanting to draw too much attention to the ball of sunshine in the middle of the room. "Good morning class, I would like your papers from last night before the lesson begins. And as you know mid terms are coming up, we'll be having a short lesson so you can focus on your studies." He spoke softly, glancing around the room to see students reaching for their bags, some of who groaned and leaned to either side of them—he assumed that they were asking to copy or to give them some of the answers.

Students from the back of the class started to pass their papers towards the front of the class, whenever the few papers in row behind him met Renji he slid his sheet on top and passed it to teen in front of him, then looked up to see Byakuya. He couldn't believe it, he absolutely could not believe that this man was his, he covered his mouth so his smile wouldn't be too obvious to those around him, when his eyes met the man who filled his fantasies looked at him he went weak at the knees. He dipped the rest of his face into his hands and leaned forwards; feeling like a stereotypical teen girl who's crush just breathed in her direction.

Sadly the excitement didn't last for too terribly long, sure he felt it whilst his lover was teaching, but once the class was over and it was break time he sighed a little bit and held the eraser end of his pencil between his teeth. Bored out of his mind until his classmate, Ganju Shiba, stood in front of him, getting down on his knees to rest his arms on his desk. "How's it goin' Renji?" "Hm? Oh, it's going alright. Kinda bored, you?" The cocky teen with a green bandana—that was definitely against dresscode—snickered a little and leaned forward whilst quieting his voice, "you know Hanataro right? Yamada? He's like thirteen, guess what I did," he smirked, this took Renji by surprise; his mind started to fill with horrible thoughts, "Ganju!" He grabbed one of his books and whacked the more muscular teen on the shoulder with it, "what did you do to that poor guy?"

Ganju only held his shoulder and laughed, shaking his head before catching his breath and speaking. "I didn't do anything bad to the guy, just offered to take him out for a movie," Renji sighed out of relief, setting his book back down whilst resting his cheek on his hand, "how's the sister?" "Don't wanna talk about the cutie? Alright, I get it," the raven chuckled a little before straighting his posture a little, mimicking the way his classmate sat, resting his chin on his palm, "she's been alright I guess. Argues with Kaien a lot, but I guess that's how siblings are. Hey, speaking of how's that Kuchiki girl?" "Rukia?" Renji raised an eyebrow before leaning back and sighing, he didn't think about her last night at all; at least not how she'd react to him and her brother being together—well, once it was ok to tell people.

"She's ok the last time I saw her, been too busy studying to see her and Ichishit," he sighed and looked over towards the front of the classroom, wanting to get up and move around, to eat, to do something other than just sit there and talk with a sort of close friend. "ah really? That kinda sucks...you wanna hang out this weekend?" The five foot eleven teen sat up excitedly; if he had a tail it would be wagging like a puppy about to receive a treat. "No, sorry I have to-" the redhead looked around the classroom for a moment; lost in thought. He knew that he was going to hang out with Byakuya and have a date, a date? A date! He grinned to himself and looked at his rambunctious classmate—he couldn't tell him he was having a date though, what if he saw him and the substitute? We're just gonna be at his apartment, it'll be fine. He shrugged away his worry and answered very cockily, "I'm goin' on a date this weekend."

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