2 - Breakfast Call

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The day of everyone's arrival wasn't anything special, the counselors walked any new attendees through the daily schedule. Waking up at 6 in the morning, breakfast at 6:30, ice breaker or miscellaneous craft activities until 7:30, swimming, fishing, or boating until 8:30. After that the youngest of the bunch would have nap time, aka Renji and the children his age. The rest would go on with whatever the counselors have decided whether its bunk time, hiking, baking a treat for the younger ones or whatever the kids wanted to do.

The small redhead stopped paying attention after that and ended up wandering off towards the cabin he would be staying at for the next four weeks. Once to his temporary home he went towards his bunk, smiling when he saw his new friend reading with his legs crossed. "Whatcha readin'?" Just like when they first met he didn't get an answer, which made him a little sad.

He looked around to see children that he spoke to earlier that morning and waved at them before sitting down at Byakuya's feet, leaning over his book to try and get his attention; their heads touching. "Hellooo, Yaka?"

This new name made the head of black hair look up to meet brown eyes, the owner of such eyes was smiling widely, happy to see that he was being noticed again. "Yaka?" "Yeah!" Renji giggled a little and leaned forward a little more. "That's your new nickname! You can call me Ji, or Ren, or whatever you want!"

"I'm not very interested in nicknames.." Byakuya closed his book and set it down next to him, not remembering what page he was on. He only put his source of entertainment down so this ball of energy would stop bothering him. "I'm still gonna call you Yaka!" The six year old smiled and leaned back a little, resting his hands in his lap, playing with the small folds of white bedsheets that covered the very uncomfortable mattress he sat on.

"Can we play?" He leaned his head on his shoulder, being extremely bored and not knowing what to do since the counselors said that the children could do just about anything they wanted that kept them safe and out of harms way. "no." Introverted grey eyes looked down to the same body's hands, picking at dead skin around his finger nails. "Why not?"

"Because, I want to read you monkey.." the older child mumbled a faint insult, keeping his eyes on his hands, grunting a little whenever he pulled too much skin back on accident.

Renji frowned a little at the older child's bluntness, he nodded and got up from where he sat then returned to his own bed, then crawled in it before hearing the rest of the new arrivals enter the bunk, talking about whatever they could and what came to mind.

They didn't do much that day, camp didn't officially begin til the next day; that's why Renji did his best to sleep through the first couple of hours to make the fun begin quicker.

Next to him Byakuya read and kept to himself for the rest of the afternoon.

Once night rolled around the oldest Kuchiki got out of his bed and exited the cabin as quietly as he could, sitting on the steps and looking up to the sky. It was a little chilly, but he liked it that way, hugging himself while feeling the cool breeze trying to sway him to follow. Calm, peaceful, something he didn't want to end.

The next morning the head counselor over the boys, Counselor Yamamoto opened the door and smiled seeing that all the children were sleeping and in their bunks. He then cleared his throat and knocked pretty harshly on the door to get everyone's attention, as if it was a church bell trying to pull the dead from their graves. "C'mon kids, it's time for breakfast! If you don't wake up then you don't get any and you'll have to wait til lunch for something to eat let's go!"

He lingered there for a moment, waiting to see who and when the gremlins would emerge from their bunks. Almost as if he was forced Byakuya was the first to get up, not stepping out of his bed just yet; but he sat up and locked eyes with said grown up for a few moments before the adult left.

He rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes and got out of his very uncomfortable structure that was supposed to be a bed and pulled the blanket up to where his head has just been laying, looking over to Renji once he was done, seeing that the redhead rolled over a couple times in the passed five minutes to try and go back to sleep.

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