5 - Capture the target

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Two weeks, it had only been two weeks since all of the children arrived and Gin had already made his target cry at least three times because he had taken Zabimaru.

But he had worse things planned, he was going to make the child scream and cry until he was reduced to a whimpering mess.

One of his friends who was just four years younger, Grimmjow, climbed up the bunk so they could sit together and talk. The blue haired punk let his legs hang over the edge of the bed, looking down at the wimp who clung to a stuffed animal whenever he slept.

"So, what're you planning now?" He snickered a little bit and slightly leaned on Gin, waiting for a response while playing with the silver chain he wore around his waist as a belt. "Well, there's going to be a bonfire right?"
This sentence made blue eyes go wide with excitement, "we're gonna toss the monkey?" He said with a little too much enthusiam; as if he was ready to execute their vague plan at that moment.

And that's what the two talked about for a good hour, observing their prey; waiting for a moment when they could steal the fluffy monkey and hide it, snickering a little whenever they saw Renji and Byakuya sitting together; the little human shaped monkey obviously annoying the stone wall that wouldn't answer him.

"Monkey, sit on your own bunk," "don't want to," "why not?" "Because, Zabimaru wants to plaaaaay!" The tan child whined and fell backwards as he threw his arms up, "you can play with your stuffed animal without bothering me." The stoic thirteen year old flipped the page, trying to not encourage the youngster by giving him attention.

"But it's boring if it's just us," he whined a little, rolling onto his side, then snatched the book that separated the two, "give me attention Yaka." "You're acting like a spoiled pest," gray eyes glared into brown ones. "That's mean Yaka," the slightly darker child sat up and pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Frankly, I don't care. It's almost time for the bonfire, why you don't you go out and help collect sticks?" Renji grumbled and eventually gave up, setting the book down before taking a few steps to his bed, slipping his shoes on. "I'll be back Zabimaru," he smiled, then headed out of the cabin.

Grimmjow and Gin made side glances towards each other, snickering a little. "Now?" "Patience Grimm, once Byakuya's stupid face in his book. Then you can get that stupid monkey."

The two nodded in agreement and watched as the raven haired teen grabbed his book and started to read once again; that was their cue. Granted it wasn't very secretive that they were going to snatch the stuffed animal since it was right next to the oldest Kuchiki sibling.

That's why Gin slipped between the secondary guardian of Zabimaru and said cloth baboon. "Hello Byakuya, how's it going?" The little snake of a thirteen year old grinned like normal, keeping his eyes closed as if he opened them someone would stab needles into his sockets.

"What do you want Gin?" Unbeknownst to gray eyes a certain blue haired child had plucked Renji's emotional support buddy from his bed and stuffed it into his jacket pocket, then went across the cabin to his bunk; slipping the monkey under his pillow. "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to say hi." He leaned his head to the side, "am I not allowed to say hi to a friend?"

Byakuya glanced up for a moment and spoke, "we're not friends Gin, go back to your bunk and leave me alone please." Then stuck his nose back into his book, wishing he could read in peace.

"Aw, you're not fun Kuchiki, why do you hate me so much?" The standing teen stepped back a little and sat down on Renji's bunk, crossing one leg over the other whilst his hands rested behind him, supporting him.

"You act as if I only dislike you," Byakuya closed his book once again, obviously bringing a book wasn't going to stop anyone from talking to him today, "you're so buddy buddy with the little redhead, what's his name again? Monkey?"

"It's Renji, but I only act the way I do because everyone else brushes him off just the same," truth be told the older Kuchiki saw his little sister in Renji, purely because of their age and the level of their energy. "Besides, you're just like him whenever it comes to Aizen, always bugging him whenever he's busy."

Gray eyes squinted harshly at Gin, who acted offended at the Kuchiki pointing out the obvious, "that's not true!" Almost as if on cue, the one and only asshole, Aizen Sosuke walked in, heading towards his bunk that was directly under Gin's.

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