An Unexpected Visitor

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Alex's hearing was the first thing to come back to him. The steady sound of machines beeping and voices talking quietly surrounded him. The blond felt a tight pressure on his upper midsection and biceps. Slowly the blond opened his eyes and frowned when he gazed on his lower half.

He laid in a hospital style bed and was practically wrapped from head to toe in bandages and casts.

What the fuck happened to me?

The blond rubbed his eyes before wincing in pain from the movement of his arms.

"Fuck me." Alex mumbled as he looked around for some sort of way to get help.


A few seconds of silence passed by until a figure rapidly appeared in the door and looked Alex in his eyes.

"Oh thank god you're awake!" The nurse cheered happily as she made her way over to Alex's side.

"What happened to me?" Alex asked bringing the nurse back to her senses.

"Oh honey you don't remember a thing don't you? Your friends said you got attacked by someone and fell out of a second story window."

As the words hit Alex's ears he felt a surge of pain shoot over him followed by the urge to puke as memories flooded his brain.

The blonds hands flew up to his head and gripped onto his hair as the urge to puke overcame him as he spilled out what little food he had in his stomach.

"Let me get you cleaned up." The nurse said as she quickly went to work around Alex.

After ten or so minutes passed Alex laid in his newly cleaned bed while the nurse handed him a cup full of a light blue liquid.

"Drink this, it'll make you feel a lot better."

Alex did as he was ordered and sucked on the straw attached to the cup. As the warm liquid made its way into his system he intently felt a little rejuvenated.

"Thank you." Alex spoke up as he leaned back in bed.

"No problem hun, is there anything you need me to do before I go help out some other patients?"

"No I'm all good."

Alex watched as the nurses disappeared from view and let out a deep breath. The blond looked down at his injured self and scoffed at the sight.

What the fuck were you doing there? I swear to god I thought I saw you again.

"ALEX!" A voice yelled from the door causing him to be ripped from his thoughts.

The blond started to turn towards the door when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around him causing him to wince in pain.

"Sorry!" The voice quickly apologized as they let go of him.

"You're fine.....Remi?" Alex said confused as he looked up at the pink haired girl that was standing next to his bed.

"What expecting someone else?" Remi asked with a smile.

"Yes." Alex said bluntly causing the girl to visibly deflate in front of him.

"We'll fine, I guess I'll leave." The pinkette huffed out as she spun around towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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