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Alex walked down the street with his two friends flanking both sides of him. The three boys laughed and joked as they made their ways home from hanging out at the local park. They where there all day but decided to finally go home once the sun had set.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Alex called as the three split ways at the intersection.

Alex continued his way down the road walking to the beat of the music blasting in his ears. He reached up and fixed his headband to get all the hair out off his eyes and took out his phone and cranked his volume to max as he took his sweet time getting home.

Eventually the blond found himself standing at the front gate to his house. He punched in his code and tapped his feet as the large metal fence opened up for him.

As Alex mad his way up the walk way he couldn't help but feel a little weird. Usually one of the body guards would be stationed at the gate waiting for him but he brushed it off when he got to the front door. He swung the door wide open and stepped inside before kicking his shoes off and tossing his bag across the floor.

"I'm home!" Alex called as he made his way to the fridge located in the kitchen.

The blond cracked open a pop and took a sip before glancing around the house.

Why the hell are all the lights off? And where the hell is everyone?"

Alex placed down his drink and walked up the grand staircase that led to the second floor of his house. He walked down the long corridor passing the many closed rooms until he stood at the grand entrance to the master suite. Alex slowly reached down and grabbed a hold of the cold metal knob.

His heart was racing. He could hear each pump boom in his eardrums. His sweat trickled down his cheek and his palms became clammy from holding onto the metal for so long.

And finally after building up enough courage, Alex twisted the knob and slowly opened the door and stepped inside.
"DON'T!" Alex screamed as he shot up in his bed.

He clutched his chests and took deep breaths as he sporadicly looked around the room to find where he was.

"You're at the infirmary." A calm voice said from bedside him.

Alex's eyes shot over to find the same pinkette from earlier sitting next to him. He stared at her and found himself starting to slow his breathing down as he stared into her eyes.

They were so welcoming.

"Good can we leave now Remi?" A voice said from the other side of the infirmary.

Alex looked over to find the two boys from earlier. One had red hair and the other had a combination of black and orange. They did have some similarities though, they both shared a pissed off expression.

"Not yet. I'm Remi." The girl said kindly as she extended her hand to Alex.

Alex slowly looked down at her hand.

The alarms in his head where going off left and right telling him to not take her hand. But he felt like he had too after what happened earlier.

"Alex." He responded quietly as he shook her hand.

"Are you new here?  I've never seen you before." She asked.

Alex went to answer but was cut off by one of the other boys.

"He's just another cripple Remi. He transferred in the other day, nothing exiting, now let's go. I bet we can still make it to the pizza joint before happy hour ends." The red head said as he checked his watch.

The girls eyes widened as she looked back at the blond and found him staring down at his himself with a defeated look.

"Look I'm sorry that I attacked you earlier and that you had to help a cripple. In all honesty I thought you were Arlo and I wasn't just going to sit their and take his shit. Uhm no offense." Alex explained as he rubbed his neck.

"Why'd Arlo attack you?"

"He didn't, I attacked him first."

Remi was taken back from his answer.

A cripple attacked Arlo? THE king of Wellston. Did he have a death wish?

"Why would you ever do that?" Remi questioned.

"I knew he was going to attack me. I thought I could get at least one hit in before he put me down. But a guess I was just being a delusional cripple." Alex laughed as he looked down at all the bandages covering his body.

Remi couldn't help but smile with him. She couldn't help but find it funny that even in all pain, Alex still could crack a joke.

"Alright Remi it's time to go! We've been here long enough and he's awake. Let's bounce!" The orange haired boy called.

"Alright fine. We can go. Sorry about them, you know boys when their hungry." She smiled.

"No worry's. Thanks again for bringing me in."

Remi nodded and turned to the two boys who were jumping with anticipation to get out of there. She let out a sigh and turned towards the door and left the room. The orange haired boy was the first out with the red head right on his tail. But before he left he took a detour over and stood over Alex.

"I saw the look in your eyes when you tried to attack Remi. She may have forgiven you but I haven't. No one attacks my friends and gets away with it. Try anything on her and I'll make sure you never step foot out of this room again. Are we clear?" The boy threatened.


The boy turned and left the room leaving Alex all alone. He let out a sigh and slid down until he was staring at the ceiling.

Another flashback huh? I can't get that damn day out of my head.

A sudden click brung him from his thoughts as Doc made his way into the room and plopped down at his desk.

"So you finally met Arlo. Seems like you two got along." Darren said sarcastically.

Alex let out a small chuckle and looked down at his shattered arm.

"You could say that again."

"It'll take me about half an hour or so to make you a tonic, and another hour for it to start taking affect. That means it'll be at least 9:30 before you get to leave school."

Alex looked up at the clock and frowned as he realized how late it was.

"No worry's Doc. I'll be fine but thanks for the offer." Alex relied as he pushed himself out of bed and into a standing position.

"Whatever you say kid, you know your limits better then anyone." Darren grumbled as he went back to typing on his computer.

Alex ignored him and slid back on his shirt and blazer before saying thanks to Doc and exiting the room. Alex made his way off school grounds down the streets until he stood at the entrance to his apartment complex.

"Home sweet home." The blond grumbled to himself as he started inward.

He stepped into the elevator and clicked his floor, allowing the doors to slide shut. A sudden bounce shook the machine singling he had starting moving. As Alex got higher and higher he started to unwrap the bandages covering his arm.

As the last of the bandages came off the door slid open allowing him to step off onto his floor. Alex turned the corner and started to stretch out his once covered arm.

"Man that feels good." Alex said as he let out a yawn.

"Alex?" A voice called from in front of him.

Alex slowly looked upwards to find John standing in front of his apartment door with a panicked face.


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