A New Couple

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"So what the heck was that all about?" John asked as he took a sip of his boba.

"Remi was the one who dragged me to the infirmary the other day. She seemed nice and all but before her friends left they threatened me to stay away from her. Fast forward to today and as you can see they jumped the gun a little bit and she made it clear where she stood." Alex explained as he examined his drink.

"Remi has never really had a problem with being friendly if I'm being honest. Maybe you give her another shot." Sera chimed in without taking her eyes off her phone.

"Nope no way. She and those other assholes can go to hell with the rest of the high rankers.... oh uhm besides you." Alex said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Sera raised her head and rolled her eyes at him before turning her attention back to her phone.

"So what do you guys want to do now?" Asked John.

"I'm still new to everything here so I'm not deciding." Alex laughed as he shook his hands in front of himself.

"We could go to the mall. I've got some things I want to pick up." Sera spoke up again.

"Ya that works with me. It gives me an excuse to spend some money so why not?" Alex said with a shrug.

"SWEET!" John cheered before getting yelled at by the workers to shut up.

"How does this one look?" Sera asked as she stepped out of the dressing room.

"You look amazing!" John said excitedly.

"Alright I'll get this one then." Sera responded before going back into the room.

As soon as the girl disappeared from view John looked over at Alex and let himself fall into his lap.

"Uhggggg I hate shopping so much. If you weren't here I would have died!" Complained John.

Alex smiled as pushed John off his lap and allowed the boy to fall onto the ground.


"Oops." Alex said with a shrug.

"What happened John?" Sera asked as she stepped out into the open.

"Nothing he just thought the floor was comfortable."


Alex smiled as John stood up and attempted to size him up. It failed miserably as he tripped on himself and fell onto the floor again.

Alex couldn't hold in his laughter anymore and fell backwards in a laughing fit. Sera just rolled her eyes with a smile and offered John her hand to help him up.

The boy reluctantly accepted it and brushed himself off before quietly thanking Sera for the help.

"You gonna be ok Mr. Laughs a lot?" Sera asked at the blond on the floor.

"Oh don't worry about me. I'm always fine." Alex said with a smile as he stood up and wrapped his arm around John.

"Good now I'm going to pay so you two wait for me at the exit." Responded Sera.

"Sounds good." The boys both said back in unison.

The girl nodded and turned away from them before making her way over to the counter. Alex and John took this as their cue to leave but as they started to move Alex couldn't help but notice the way John was looking at her.

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