A Simple Mistake

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"So what was that all about with Sera's last name and all?" John asked as he kicked a rock across the sidewalk.

"I told you it's nothing, I just wasn't expecting to meet the daughter of two of the most influential people around."

John stopped walking and stared at Alex. The blond stood still and met his gaze but showed no emotion anywhere on his face.

"What are you getting at?"

Alex scoffed at Johns question and kept walking.

"Hey I'm serious!" John yelled as he grabbed onto Alex's shoulder.

The blond quickly spun around and pushed John in the chest causing the black haired boy to fall onto the ground. Alex stared down before cursing at himself for what he done.

"Fuck, I'm sorry John. It's just a complicated situation." Alex apologized as he offered John his hand.

The boy hesitated for a second before taking the hand and stood back up.

"I get it but dude, can you not push me around? I already get pushed around a lot at school and I'd rather not get beat up by another cripple."

"Ya my bad. Want to come back to my place and I'll try and shed some light on the issue?" Alex offered.

"Sure but you better not be luring me into a trap or anything." John joked.

"Ha ha, even if I was I bet you could take me in a fight. I'm not the strongest person out there."

"You're joking right?" John replied annoyed.

"What do you mean?"

"Dude even I saw you in the infirmary, you're shredded!" John said as he waved his arms around causing Alex to let out a chuckle.

"I work out a lot and take some martial arts classes here and there. You've got to stay on top of your game when you have no ability."

"Amen brother!"

"Here we are." Alex said as he pushed open the door to his apartment.

"Danggggg this place is nice! My apartment is on the smaller side compared to this." John complimented as he plopped down onto the couch.

"I tried to find an apartment that was on the smaller side but I decided on this one because of the walking distance to campus." The blond  responded at he opend the fridge and grabbed two waters.

"Catch!" Alex yelled as he hurled the bottle across the room.

John instantly perked up and caught the bottle before it could slam into his head. The boy smirked before removing the cap and downed half the bottle.

"So wait, you booked this place all on your own? Why not have your parents do it?"

Alex paused as he heard Johns question. He stood with his back to John before turning around and let out a deep breath.

"They were busy a lot of the time so I did it myself. I didn't want to inconvenience them." The blond said as he plopped down onto his love seat.

"Ahhhhh ok. So what do you want to do?"

"Want me to make us some dinner or order something? It's the least I can do after being an ass to you on the way home."

"Free food? How couldn't I accept that! How does pizza sound?"

"It sounds perfect." Alex responded as a smile grew across his face.

"Man I'm stuffed." John mumbled as he let out a deafening burp.

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