A New Start

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The airplane landed on time and pulled into its terminal, allowing its passengers to rush off to their next destinations. But that wasn't the case for a single teenage boy traveling by himself. He was taking all the time in the world to make his way out of the airport only to be met with a large crowd of drivers holding up their respective signs to signal anyone of importance leaving the airport that their ride was here.

The boy pulled his two suitcases and propped them up against the wall before popping down on one and let out a sigh of relief. He looked over the chauffeurs standing by their cars and pulled out his phone. He placed in his earbuds and lost track of time as he tapped against his leg to the beat and watched as the people came and went in front of him.

After about an hour or so of waiting the boy stepped up and walked over to a man holding a crisp white sign with gold letters spread across it.

"Mr. Brighten it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Are you ready to be on your way?" The driver asked.

The teenager looked down at his watch let out a deep breath.

"Ya but just please drive slow. I'm in no rush to get there."

The chauffeur nodded and popped the trunk of the vehicle, allowing him to place the suit cases inside before opening the back door for his passenger. Once inside the man made his way to the driver seat where he turned his key, bringing the car to life and drove out of the airport and onto the main roads.

The boy kept tapping his leg and stared off into the distance before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.

"Mr. Brighten, we're here." The chauffeur announced as he opened the back door causing the teen to spring to life and check his surroundings.

The boy was quick to calm down and caught his breath. He let out a yawn and stretched out his arms before taking a peak at the time.


A grin grew across his face and he quickly tipped the driver his money and grabbed his bags which he found already waiting for him on the sidewalk.

"Thank you!" The boy called as the driver nodded and got into his car before disappearing down the road.

The boy turned his attention to the massive school in front of him. It was bigger then he imagined and a lot nicer.

Hopefully the students are as nice as the building.

He walked down the main path and was met by a beige haired man in a collard shirt who stood with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Alex Brighten right? You're the transfer student I assume?" The man asked.

"Yes sir but I thought my real last name wouldn't be used?" Alex asked as he extended his hand.

"Whoops I completely forgot about that, Vaughn told me you wanted to keep a low profile but it kind of slipped my mind. I'll make sure to correct myself next time." The man  responded as accepted the handshake.

"No worry's Mr.?"

"Keene, but you don't need to use formality's here. I'm the head of security here at Wellston."

"Ohhhh ok. So you're the one I call if I'm in trouble." Laughed Alex.

"For the most part you take it up with your teachers. But if the situation is serious enough then yes I am the one to come too." Keene responded sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"So am I going to my apartment first or am I going to get a tour of the school?" Asked Alex.

"Well Headmaster Vaughn wanted you to start classes today. But seeing as it's already past 1:30 I don't think you'll start till tomorrow.

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