The King

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Alex walked through the halls trying to avoid John at all costs. He knew that he needed to address the situation with John before he told anyone else about it. But Alex couldn't come up with a good enough excuse to get John off his ass.

As the blond walked forward lost in thought he came to an abrupt stop when he ran into someone in front of him.

"HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING PUNK!" A boy screamed as he grabbed Alex by the collar.

Alex blinked a couple of times as he stared at the boy in front of him. He had blue hair and was slightly taller then him. But what confused him is that he didn't run into this guy, he ran into his friend next to him.

"My bad. Didn't see where I was going." Alex responded as he placed his hands onto the boys wrists.

"You think you can just get off the hook with a crappy apology like that? You should be on your knees begging for Arlo's forgiveness." The boy seethed.

"Uhm and why would I do that?"


Alex glanced over at the blond and smirked as he caught him staring into his soul.

"My sincere apologies your highness." Alex said with a smile as he attempted to bow but was stopped when the boy in front of him cocked back his fist and thrust it forward into Alex's face.

As the blow came closer Alex closed his eyes and prepared for the pain but after a couple of seconds, he found it never came. The blond slowly opened his eyes to find Arlo holding back the boys fist inch's from his face.

"You're the new kid right?" Arlo asked calmly.

"Yes sir." Alex said in a mocking tone.

"Then I'll let it slide just this once. But the next time you slip up you won't be so lucky. You're free to go." Arlo said as he let go off his friends arm and pushed passed Alex.

As the blond passed by him Alex instantly felt all of his senses spark to life warning him about danger. Alex not waisting a second grabbed Arlos shoulder and threw his fist forward in an attempt to punch his cheek but was quickly stopped by a yellow barrier separating the two.

"Tsk." Alex let out as he jumped back and inspected his right arm.

Fuck it's broken. His ability packs more then a punch.

"Deciding to attack the king when his back is turned. Pretty bold for a repulsive cripple." The barrier user called as he turned to meet Alex.

"Bullshit, I could read you from a mile away. As soon as I let my gaurd down you were going to put me in the ground." Alex replied annoyed as he stretched out his one good arm.

"Huh the cripple has some good observation skills I'll give you that. But they won't mean anything when I remind you of where you stand in the higharchy." Arlo laughed as he extend a barrier to cover Alex.

Alex scoffed as he inspected the barrier around him. It was rapidly shrinking around him until it forced him onto his knees.

Arlo slowly walked over with a look of disgust in his eyes at the cripple in front of him. He watched as Alex was brung to the floor in front of him. It disgusted Arlo that a mere cripple believed he could attack him, the king of all people.

He released his barrier and planted his foot onto the back Alex's head, forcing him to bow in front of him.

"Know your place cripple. You're nothing but an ant under my shoe in society."

With that Arlo reactivated his ability and drove his foot into Alex's face, breaking his nose on impact and sent him flying into the wall.

The blond slid down the dented lockers and stayed perfectly still. The only movements where his chest moving in and out as he tried to get enough air into his lungs.

Arlo stalked towards the boy but was stopped about halfway there.

"ARLO!" A voice yelled from down the hall.

Arlo scoffed at the voice and turned to find a short pink haired girl being tailed by two boys.

"Do you have to beat everyone to such an extent?" The girl asked annoyed as she walked up to the blond.

"So glad you're back Remi. How was everything back home?" Arlo asked with a roll of his eye.

The girls posture stiffened and she looked down, refusing to meet Arlos eyes.

"It was ok. Now stop trying to change the subject! What do you think your doing?"

Arlo peaked over at Alex and found him still stuck in the same position.

"I'm not doing this with you right now. Out of my way." Arlo said coldly as he pushed past the girl and her friends.


Everyone scattered as the kings words boomed throughout the hallway, leaving only Remi, Alex, and her two friends alone.

Remi frowned as she looked over at the heaving blond. Arlo had gone to far with him, regardless of who started it Arlo was the king. No one in the school could stand up to him and it was his responsibility to make sure those under him are safe. But he had just done the opposite.

"Here help me take him to the infirmary." Remi said to the two boys as she started over towards Alex.

"Hey I'm Remi, I'm the queen here at Wellston and I'm go——" Remi started to say as she placed her hand on Alex's shoulder.

Time seemed to slow down around all of them.

Alex's body sprung to life faster then Remi could comprehend. She watched as Alex lashed out and grabbed her collar and cocked back his fist to punch her. She met his eyes and saw a look of pure hatred that sent shivers down her spine.

Something she felt very rarely. She was the queen of the school and the fourth highest ranked student. Not a lot of people could make her feel fear.

Before Alex's punch could hit her an arm shot out and stopped his fist dead in his tracks. Remi felt the grip on her collar loosen and looked into the boys eyes once again to be taken back from what she saw. His eyes showed no trace of anger or hatred anymore. Instead the only emotion she could find was regret.

A red blast of energy shot by Remi's head and slammed into Alex's face head on. The blonds head reeled backwards and slammed into the metal lockers causing a loud crack to echo around the halls as the boy once again fell unconscious.

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