"I was saying..." I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to force the right words but, "... that meao me meo meow meow meeeowww."

Human sculpture continued to look at me with a mixture of surprise, awe, ridicule and confusion. He must be trying to decipher my words.

"You were saying how you –" He sat before and tried to guess my mind. "- how you know to infiltrate into Allards'?" He asked, guessing correctly that my meows were about Allards.

But what he guessed is wrong.

I shook my head and opened my mouth to tell him again. "Meow – memeow meow meow meow meowww meeeow!" I exclaimed slowly and finished with a clap.

Now he will definitely understand. I enunciated each and every word so clearly. It is impossible to not understand.

Human sculpture rubbed his hands and tried again, too much invested in our quiz game. "You know how to kill Allards'?" Argh! Why is he so slow?

But then, he looks so adorable in his dumber version.

I made an 'X' with my hands gesturing him that his guess is wrong. I mean, why would I kill them? How will I take revenge if I kill them?

"Meow." I clap, gaining his complete attention and focus. "Meow- "

"You" Correct. Nice start.

"- meow meow." I continued altering my tone according to the sentence.

"- know how to." I clapped when he guessed it right again.

"-meoow meow"

"Take revenge" I shook my head at his guess.

"Hit them?" I shook my head again and he kept trying until I nodded in confirmation.

"Torture Allards'?"

"Kidnap them?"

"Imprison them?"

"Ah wait, bring them down?" I nodded my head after half an hour of shaking it continuously. "You fool, isn't my first guess close to this? Taking revenge or bringing them down can be replaced with each other in this context." He erupted on me as he quenched his dry throat with two glasses of water.

"You know how to bring Allards' down. Is that what you wanted to say?" He gasped, puffing out some air with a deep scowl.

"If it goes on like this, The revenge can be taken in your next fourth or fifth life; provided your soul continue to inherit this weakness." He grumbled.

Can souls inherit such abilities to next lives?

"Fine tell me how." He asked after spending five minutes near the coffee machine. He got himself a cup of espresso and a cup of frappuccino for me.

"Meo Me Meow mew –" I cleared my throat getting ready to tell him my complete plan. "Meow meow me me mow moew. Meow mew meo meo. Meow- Meow meeow. Mmeeww meow. Meow... meow... meow... mmowww meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow mewo mewo mewo mmmeew meeowww meowww meow mmmeeeow mooowww mow moew meow. Meow? Meow meow meow meow meow meow mowe meeeowwww. Meow meeeow meooow meow. Meow! Meow meow meow meowww mmmewww meow."

"What say?" I asked, finally taking a breather.

My idea might not be a top notch excellent one but I know it works without a hitch.

Biting my lower lip, I looked up at him expectantly with batted breath. He continued to savor his coffee while I blinked at him like a kitten waiting to receive compliments.

"Ah really? That good." He said nonchalantly without making eye contact with me. He completely focused on his cup of coffee.

When I heard his approval, I almost jumped up and did a tribal dance to show my happiness. It took me a full five minute to comprehend what was happening.

"Wait, did you understand what I said?"

"Kill me if I understood even a single word you said." It was so casually said that for a second I thought he was just joking around with me like a lover would.

"You didn't?"

"You expect me to?"

"Then why did you say it was good?"

"I gave up. At this point, I gave up." He gave up on me, on us, already?

But I need to show him that we still have hope.

"Okay, let me tell you again." I started but was immediately cut stopped by the very exhausted Human sculpture.

"No, don't. I recorded what you said in my phone. It might take time but I will try to come up with different versions of your plan according to my understanding till now." He sighed, taking out a candy from his packet and popped one in his mouth.

"Goodness, I feel so drained." He groaned.

"So, when will we meet again to discuss it further?"

"In next life." He said standing up and buttoning up his jacket.

"You said you need some time?" I asked thinking his was just teasing me.

"I did. A life time's time. I will be born in a cat's body in my next life. We will try it then." He said as he started towards the door.

"One week." His steps faltered when he heard me. Turning around, he gave me a displeased frown and a thoughtless look.

"Two weeks."

"Six days."

"Hey, you need to go up to negotiate. That's the standard proforma."

"I can't stand standards. So six days?"

"Ten days."

"Five days." By now, I can see smoke coming out of his nose, mouth and from every hole possible.

He looks so hot when he is angry and for some reason I'm not scared at all.

"Fine one week. Happy?" He groaned, punching his hand to the wall nearby.

"No, that was my previous offer. Now we are at five days. Take it." I said smiling at him for my possible victory.

Huh! I'm the future of stock markets in the country. You can't negotiate with me.

"Fine." He said and turned back to leave before I stopped him again.

"What now?" He raised his voice showing how irritated he is.

"Let's celebrate the first day of our partnership by –" I said taking out my phone.

"I don't like taking pictures." He said which made me smile wider.

"And so, we are not taking a picture. To celebrate our first day of partnership, we are doing a tiktok video together." I said pulling him towards the large window in the room where the filming is pretty.

"There's a certain tribal dance that is going viral these days. Let's do that challenge."

And so, with a tiktok video, we sealed out partnership deal.


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter is here. Enjoy!

What do you think about the chapter? Boring?

Do you think Tiny will be able to win Zorion's heart?

Will Zorion return her feelings one day?

So, here is the first quiz to my readers. Decipher Tiny's plan by next update.

 Your views on Tiny's plan. Do you think it's a good plan?

Will the plan work?

She is making Zorion Nigel, the great hotelier, do a tiktok video with her? That too a tribal dance?

Is this how she is going to win his heart?

What will happen to this couple in future?

Please shower me with votes and comments.

Share my books with your friends.

Lots of Love

Lady Prim

Draining Mr. Brainy -(DA series book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz