"Hmmm. Is it a boy or a girl?"


"Then I'm going to blame him Simba. He looks like Simba"

A small whine interrupted us and we both looked to see little Simba awake, gazing at us with large doe eyes. Awwww.

"Hi little guy..." Wes cooed as he took him in his arms. Simba let out a cute high pitched bark and snuggled closer to him.

Ugh. My heart.

"How about we take the little guy for a drive and eat unhealthy junk, huh?" I asked.

"But it's past midnight Will." He said with wide eyes.


"Mum will scold us!"

This guy is definitely Mom's little clone.

"Baby monkey, we as the children of the Cassius Brooks should follow his footsteps and risk Mama's wrath. That's the law."


"We have to make our Dad proud, I mean till I come back home who'll give our mother dearest some much needed excitement?"

"I think Dad gives mother enough headache as it is with his crazy nature."

Ouch. He just indirectly called me crazy. The audacity of this little shit.

"You must make me and Dad proud,Wes." I told him solemnly

I'm definitely going to hell.

"Fine." He muttered defeatedly.

"Great" I clapped my hands

And fifteen minutes later we found ourselves in Dad's car that we borrowed with me behind the wheel and Wes riding shotgun, little Simba curled in his lap, snoring lightly.

"Where are we going?"

"We, baby monkey are going to eat some highly fattening food at the one and only McDonald's and then going to eat some ice cream."

"Ice cream?! It's literally like ten degrees right now!?" He yelled.


"We'll freeze to death!"

"Little boy, do you how magical it feels to eat ice cream when it's freezing?"

"I'm going to blame you if I fall sick..." he mumbled

I grinned," It's quite nice to catch a cold once in a while. I mean think of the advantages, everyone treats you like a Royal and you can bunk school."

And just like that my mind drifted to the face of a frantic Azrael as he fussed over me like an overprotective mother hen and a small smile immediately bloomed in my face.

Oh no. I forgot to switch on my phone.

"Why were you smile like an idiot right now? And why do you look like you just pissed your pants?"


"Nothing," I said a too quickly to be believable.


"Yeah..." I muttered.

"It's the command of the birthday boy, what were you thinking?" 

The First LightМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя