Chapter 1: A Walk in The Park

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"I can't do this anymore," panted Zayn, as Harry chuckled and passed him a bottle of water. "That should be enough for today, mate," Harry assured him, "Right now, I better get Louis a bottle as well," he said, while sprinting off to the direction the shortest player on the pitch. 

Zayn sighed and looked around, running with all the energy he could muster after footie practice for 3 hours straight, and went towards the park next to his house. 

As he arrived there, he decided to take a walk around the beautiful garden situated towards the edge of the park. Whilst he walked there, he got lost in his thoughts. 

I wonder how I did in my exams

What if I fail 

I wonder how Liam is doing

I hope him and Maya are still together

What if I could never be as good as him

What if people compare us for the rest of our lives

What if...

His endless train of thoughts was abruptly bought to a stop as he bumped into someone. He looked down and saw a lad with blond, obviously dyed, hair, sitting on the stone pavement beside the fountain, where they had bumped. 

Zayn quickly gave him a hand and said, "I'm so sorry Niall. I wasn't watching where I was going." "That's alright, mate," Niall replied in his Irish accent, "I wasn't either." he chuckled sheepishly and pointed to the phone in his hand.

Bur Zayn was too caught up in his eyes to answer. The beautiful, icy blue eyes that sparkled whenever he laughed, or the beautiful, deep blue eyes that fumed whenever he was angry.

"Hello-o, Earth to Zayn!" Niall chanted as he snapped his fingers in front of his face, breaking him out of his trance. "I asked- are you ok? Your eyes are full of tears..." That's when Zayn noticed he was shedding tears as he thought about his past. His eyes widened and he quickly wiped away whatever was in his eyes.

"Oh- yea. It was nothing. I was just, uh- thinking about stuff." he answered, quite truthfully. Niall raised his eyebrows, not quite believing him, but nodded anyhow. He took a quick look at his watch, and exclaimed, "It's getting a bit late... I should get going." He swiftly looked up at Zayn and smiled. "Bye!"

Zayn gave a small smile in his direction, and quickly muttered a bye, as Niall disappeared into the distance. He just hoped that Niall wouldn't tell anyone about how Zayn was crying.

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