Rideout Academy

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Shu woke up at 5:30 am as usual for his normal jog. He jogged at the roads of Beigoma which was ghost quiet.  "Today is going to be a long day," Shu said thinking about what Lui's gonna do.

After returning from his jog, one by one his friends woke up. He cooked them breakfast and then, he left for school. As soon as he took the bus, all students were staring at him. "What is he doing here" people muttered but Shu didn't seem to care about them.

After he reached school, he could do nothing but stare. The Rideout academy was huge compared to the Beigoma Academy. 

The students all stared at him as if he was some kind of alien. He ignored everything and everyone as he quietly walked in. "Are you Shu Kurenai?" A boy asked Shu to which he responded with a nod.

"Wow! You're my role model in bey blading. I hope we can be friends aa we are the same grade?" He asked uncertainly. "Yes, of course!" Shu said.

" Hinata Shio" the boy said. Shu walked into the principal office with Hinata. Shu peeped into the room like some sort of cat (kawaii!!!).

"Come in. You must be Shu Kurenai! We are happy to have you. You are a bright and smart student. That's what I heard from your old principal. I also have seen your blading. I can't believe 2 of the top bladers in my school! Here is your schedule" The principal said as he handed Shu his timetable.

Shu didn't expect the principal of Lui's school to be this cheerful. He thought he would also be a grumpy old man like Lui. "Thank you, sir!" Shu said as he left front there with Hinata.

"Which class are you in?" Hinata asked Shu. "Well, class A." Shu answered and he noticed Hinata's eyes starting to sparkle. "we're in the same class!" He shouted. Shu hummed a yes as left to the class with Hinata. Hinata went in first.

"Class, we have a new student." The teacher announced as Shu walked in praying to god that Lui would not be in his class but that all went in vain when he noticed The Purple Eyes staring at him.

" .....Shu........Kurenai.....?" Lui thought to himself.

"Everyone! This is Shu Kurenai and I'm sure you all know him. We're proud to have the national champion and the runner up in our class." The teacher said that made Shu a little flustered.

"Runner up huh? I will prove it, one day!" Shu thought to himself. Just as the teacher announced his name, he heard claps and whistles.

Shu was even more nervous now because Lui was the only one with an empty seat near him.

"Oh, God! Please don't make me sit next to Lui! Please!" Shu mind prayed but it didn't seem to work when the teacher said, " You can sit near Lui. I believe he's already your friend cause you both do blading."

This was absolutely the greatest nightmare Shu would've avoided. "Wha-what?" Shu and Lui yelled at the same time as the teacher stared. "Ok mam," Shu said slowly walking towards the seat, I mean towards Lui.

Lui just gave that normal glare that he always gave which normally scared everyone to death which Shu gladly returned. Shu sat on his seat expecting Lui to say something but he didn't. But he did after that class got over.

"What the hell are you doing here Kurenai?" Lui asked with an annoyed look. "Huh? What's with the question? It was because my parents asked me to kay?" Shu said. Lui smirked and Shu already felt his scar heating up.

"Awww! That beautiful gift I gave you!" Lui said with made Shu angry. "Can you just shut up? And it's not beautiful at all!" Shu replied with an angry face. " It cute.....and beautiful of course.......he's always beautiful," Lui thought but then, mind-slapped himself.

Lui wanted to ask sorry but.......that would hurt his over-proudness. On the other hand, Shu wanted to finish this without a fight.

Good, Hinata came in at the correct time. "Shu let's go to eat. Come on!" He said pulling Shu of the stupid situation.

After going out Shu thanked Hinata for his help to which he said, " I am glad I was able to help you somehow" he said walking to Shu to the canteen. There Shu saw a girl staring at him as if he was some rare diamond........ She had purple eyes and blue hair just like......


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