Tauriel Rant

60 15 11

Warning: Rant

Yes people, I like Tauriel. She is a epic ninja elleth so what's not to like. Yeah, I know that she isn't in the books, but I think she adds another element to the movie. She brings excitement, epic ninja-y ness, an epic OTP (KILIEL FOREVAH), and proves how powerful us girls can be. Now that I think of it, she would get along great with Èowyn... I think that she is a wonderful character and that is my opinion and I'm not willing to change it to fit in. What's the big deal? So what, she isn't in the books and that makes her bad? No, she's not bad, she's kind and caring. Tauriel is a very inspiring character and even though Tolkien didn't make her up, PJ did and that should be good enough. No, this does not mean that I am betraying the Tolkien fandom or any of that crap because the movies are just as important as the books. I just felt like I needed to get that out there.

Phew I'm done... haven't done a rant in a while...


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