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Veronica's POV
I was working on my laptop when Archie came by and gave me a smoothie, I smiled and kissed him and he kissed my belly and I laughed till suddenly something popped up on my screen, a news ad. Breaking: Forsyth Pendleton Jones the Third and his wife get down and go down with one another in a spicy leaked tape.

I screamed and Archie panicked saying "what's wrong!"

I then said "Betty and Jughead have a sex tape released."

He freaked out and began calling Jughead and I saw him leave. I clicked on it and suddenly saw Jughead really...really there on Betty. I shut it off and gulped lightly and I began racing over to check on Betty, there house was all surrounded by paparazzi.

I groaned and suddenly people came to me and said "Fashion designer Veronica Lodge, do you have any comments on the leaked video of your best friends?"

I scoffed and said "really? Your really worried about that? God your ass."

They were stunned and I rolled my eyes saying "they didn't want it to happen, I know that."

I began going inside there place and saw Betty and she hugged me.

I hugged her back as she said "Donna, I thought we killed her!"

I gulped and she brought me into another room. We were in her bedroom.

I gulped saying "you guys did it there?"

She crossed her arms and I looked down.

All of a sudden she said "I'm pregnant."

I looked up and she said "we need to get Toni..."

I nodded and I called her. As soon as Toni and Cheryl were there we began closing this in.

Toni said "we saw what happened and damn, can we ask how big Jughead is?"

Betty glared at us and I said "Topaz just get all of the videos down! And see if you can find Donnas location."

She nodded and began going on Betty's computer and typing stuff out.

As I was with Betty I said "are you really..."

She brought me over to another room and went to a folder and pulled out an ultrasound and I saw the small blip, I smiled and hugged her and she hugged me back and I laughed.

I said "this is amazing!"

She smiled saying "Jughead and I have been trying to keep it secret in case I miscarried the last one...it would be awful loosing a baby...and I just...I didn't want to loose this one and now I'm afraid I'm going to and I'm gonna kill my baby again..."

I grabbed her shoulders saying "Betty...I'm terrified! Terrified of this pregnancy, but you know who helped me? You! You helped me! You showed me there's nothing to fear because your growing your own little self inside of you! Or maybe the one you love the most...I know your terrified...but you don't have to be because your the perfect mother, you didn't kill the baby...it just...it just wasn't the time and they knew you weren't ready just yet."

She sniffled and hugged me and I hugged her back.

I said "your gonna be an amazing mother and now you can even help me because I'm obviously extremely new."

She laughed and I did too saying "don't ever say you kill your baby, you didn't...you tried and tried...but it's just you thought you were ready but weren't, but now you are."

I smiled and hugged her again and she rubbed my back as suddenly my baby kicked.

I laughed and she did too and smiled saying "now how about we get this girl in jail?"

I smiled and nodded as suddenly we heard shouting.

We ran out and saw Toni and she said "umm...I think I may have found out where Donna is...she's at your...she's in..."

I grabbed her laptop and Betty and I both looked at e location and the home address.

Betty panicked "my dad..."

I looked at her and she screamed.

Jughead's POV
Betty was driving the car like a maniac, I held onto the seatbelt and overhead as she was going 80 miles per hour.

"Betty calm down!" I shouted.

She shouted back "calm down!? My father could be in trouble and your telling me to calm down!?"

I gulped and said "but the baby!"

She slammed the breaks and said "Jughead! I understand! I want the baby too! But my father is the only person I have! I have no brother! No sister! No mother! No grandparents! No one but my dad!"

I gulped and she began driving quickly as possible once more. We got to Riverdale and I slammed the door open to her house.

She ran inside shouting "dad!"

She ran upstairs and saw him in his bed as he looked panicked.

"Betty sweetheart what's wrong!"

She then said "no time but we need to leave!"

I got them out quickly but as we did the car exploded.

I shielded Betty as she said "oh my god..."

Suddenly she threw up and I panicked rubbing her back as he dad held her hair.

I said "she's pregnant..."

He gasped and Betty said "fuck you I wanted to tell him!"

I sighed and he smiled and suddenly we heard laughing. I looked up and saw Donna on the street.

"You just had to pick her huh! I could've been the mother of your children! Me! I could've been the one you loved!" She shouted.

I scoffed saying "revenge!? What else is there! Your insane!"

She then said "no I'm not, but don't worry."

Suddenly she held a gun up and said "I'll take one of you out, but which will it be, the sickly father, the pregnant wife, or the handsome fellow, which is a sadder death? Pregnant wife and sickly father? I guess pregnant wife since...you loose two..."

She aimed at Betty but before she pulled the trigger a car rammed into her as Mr Cooper held Betty tightly and he turned around and we saw Cheryl and Toni in a car with Cheryl driving.

"You're welcome!" She shouted.

She ran out to grab Donna as Betty looked at her dad and hugged him. I smiled as I let them have there moment.

I walked to Toni as she said "I threw up on the way because Cheryl definitely went over 120..."

I grabbed her arms and laughed as cops came and grabbed Donna, she glared at me and I smiled as she was put into the car.

I went back over to Betty and said "I know we said we'd keep it a secret...but why not just tell them?"

She smiled and said "I guess I'm just nervous..."

I held her face saying "it's not only you, it's us against everything."

She smiled and I kissed her forehead and hugged her.

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