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Betty's POV
Jughead pulled me aside and suddenly we both said.

"I'm sorry!"

We both looked at one another and I said "Juggie it was my fault, I fucking have this idea in my mind for everything to be perfect cause my mom always made me think like that...I'm sorry."

He shook his head saying "no no my love it's my fault, I just...I just wanted to protect us because I've basically have almost lost everything...and I just always try to make sure the people I love are safe no matter what loss or anything I'm sorry..."

I smiled gently and he did too, I kissed him and he kissed me back as I held his face. He shoved me against the wall and picked me up, I held his neck as suddenly I felt big kicks and I stopped and looked down and he looked down too. We looked at one another and I laughed.

He said to my tummy "calm down bud."

He set me down and rubbed my stomach and he slowly stopped kicking and I smiled looking at Jughead but as I looked behind Jug I saw his dad, I gulped and Jughead turned around seeing him.

He had a bag and said "for you both..."

He handed me the present and I smiled and took it as he looked at Jughead.

He said "congratulations on having a boy..."

I then said "thank you Mr Jones..."

I shoved Jughead towards his dad and he sighed looking at him.

He said "thank you, dad."

He smiled and I said "Mr Jones if you want you could have a drink or something."

He smiled and said "thank you but...I'll just be on my way..."

He left and I sighed and said "Juggie...you okay?"

He nodded saying "yeah I am I just...just need to focus on you and the baby...this little dude won't be in there for long will he now? And you know I don't like sharing."

I laughed and he kissed me.

I kissed him back saying "this box seems a little light, I'm gonna put it down with the others."

He nodded and I went over and set down the box. As we did so many fun things such as the guys tried wrapping up diapers drinking bottles of milk in a short period of time. It was all fun's and laughs.

I was sitting with my dad he said "you okay?"

I nodded saying "yeah I'm fine...I just...I'm not sure I just...wish that you know...I knew for sure that I would be a good mother."

He sighed and I said "I'm just worried."

He then said "it's okay alright? I understand Your nervous. But hey I'll be right there until you don't need me remember?"

I nodded and he smiled and kissed my forehead.

I smiled saying "I love you dad..."

He smiled and Cooper jumped up and I laughed.

I held him saying "and I love you too baby."

I kissed him and laughed as Veronica said "Betty! Presents time!"

I nodded and went over to the big chair cause I'm the pregnant lady. I sat down as I began opening presents, it was adorable what all of them gave the baby, Jughead was next to me and as we opened the first few Cheryl and Toni had designer clothes for him. Sweet Pea and Fangs got him some cool snake toys, Veronica and Archie got us a whole bunch of shoes enough for his first year each day, Kevin got him small hats and they were so cute, I was tearing up, my dad handed me his present and I smiled opening it as I saw a small bracelet.

I smiled saying "dad this is adorable."

He smiled at me and said "it also has his birthstone."

I saw it and I said "thank you."

He nodded and I saw Mr Jones's gift. I grabbed it and began lifting the lid of the box. I took out some tissue paper when I saw a dog and I pulled it out.

I said "Juggie don't you think this is cute?"

But he looked stunned staring at it he was in shock.

I said "what? What's wrong?"

He got up and grabbed it and I gulped saying "Jug please not right now..."

He gripped it and I gulped as I said "Jug you okay?"

He threw the dog onto the floor and walked away, I saw Archie follow him and I sighed and bent down carefully and picked it up.

I asked "anyone knows why he doesn't like the dog?"

I gulped and said "it's cute...looks old though, but I don't care it's the thought that counts right?"

Many years ago...
Jughead was celebrating his birthday with his parents who kept arguing. He just stared at them as he had a party hat on his head and stared at his slice of cake. He began crying and his parents didn't pay attention, they kept arguing about money, drugs, the way of living. Jughead just wanted his birthday to go well and it never did. When his parents finally stopped arguing they saw his crying as he ate his cake and they sighed lightly and Jughead looked at them. His mother was going to hold his hand but he ran to his room. He hid under his covers as his parents were in the other room both frustrated with themselves for what they had done after a while they went into the room and his mom uncovered the blanket but he hid back.

His mother said "we're sorry Jughead..."

He cried saying "you always fight...why can't be happy?"

His mother sighed and she kissed his head as she saw her husband coming in with the gift.

"We know we hurt you on your special day but...we have something special for you, you wanna see?" His dad asked.

He sighed and sat up and his dad smiled putting q box on his lap, his mom and dad wiped his tears and he slowly opened the lid seeing a stuffed dog.

He lifted it out and his dad smiled saying "remember when you said you wanted to buy it but we didn't have enough money to be spending on toys. Well we finally bought it for you."

He smiled and his mom smiled saying "what would you name it sweetheart?"

He smiled saying "Hot Dog..."

They laughed and they said "how about we do something? What do you wanna do Jughead?"

His dad asked him and he thought for a second saying "can we go to the park? Play on the swings?"

His parents smiled saying "of course."

But that would likely be the only time Jughead would remember his parents ever getting along, and him being happy.

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