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Reggies POV
I saw guards leaving the room with a bucket and mop and saw Betty there.

I said "Betty?"

She turned and saw me and smiled lightly.

I walked over saying "hey you okay? "

She nodded and I said "you look pale are you sure?"

She looked at her hand and I saw blood on it and some on her mouth.

I said "what happened?"

She then said "they don't feed me...and when I throw up, all it is acid and blood..."

I sighed and she said "let me finish my story please?"

I nodded and she said "so after...after the honeymoon we got more deals and sometimes I wasn't there. I was sometimes going but I stayed at home to make sure if I did get pregnant the baby would be okay, but at the same time the person wanted both of us there. Because were married they thinks it's more appropriate."

I nodded and she said "so after...after everything... we still hadn't gotten pregnant...not much interesting but when I do...Juggie wanted us to get a house all to ourselves, my father would help out when he was at work he would feed me and be there for the baby..."

She rubbed her stomach and said "all I now want is to be pregnant...because if I had gotten pregnant...I would've had something of Jughead...all I want is a baby...I want my happy ending..."

I sighed and she cried and said "I was molested..."

I was confused and she said "the man in the basement. He made me suck him and made me swallow... I need out Reggie please I can't live like this anymore...I want my dad to hold me in his arms, I want to hold my kitten and cry with him...I want the love of my life..."

Suddenly the doors open and the men said "don't listen to her."

They grabbed her and she said "I'm not lying..."

They took her away and I hid my recorder in my sock as I went outside giving Charles my final notes and he groaned and threw my work away.

"There's nothing in that!" He yelled.

I then said "because all she wants is to be normal! All she wants is to go home and you won't give her that!"

He punched me and I punched him back saying "don't mess with me, she'll get out one day."

I grabbed my things and left in my car quickly. When I got home I change into some sweats and a shirt, I saw a cut on my lip and I sighed cleaning it up and Bruce howled.

I smiled and said "I'll be gone for an hour not okay? Don't worry. I'll be home."

He licked my face and I laughed and kissed his snout as I grabbed my bags and left. When I arrived at the coffee shop I was sipping my coffee as someone sat with me, he had on glasses and he took them off.

I gulped as he said "Reggie?"

I nodded and gave him my bag as I said "she's in Greendale, this Asylum...I don't think it's real. I never see anyone else but her, this man named Charles he's been threatening me and my business and I'm getting scared...she's been crying, she's saying she's not pregnant but wants a baby she wants her husband Jughead Jones back, her father. Her mother, sister and brother are all behind this. There's this man in the basement that molested her, I don't know if it's the same guy who did when she was a teenager but...he made her give him a blowjob...and umm...made her swallow his...yeah I'm sorry but, he's touching her breasts and stuff and touching down in her privates...I don't know what to do, I can't help her."

I continued with  "she's not eating, she looks so awful...but like not in a mean way but like...she's being tortured."

He then said "thank you, thank you, this is everything we need, mind telling us the location?"

I nodded and wrote it down on his note pad.

He said "thank you."

I nodded and he left and I felt awful.
What is gonna happen to Betty?

Jughead's POV
I didn't go in case it was a trick, Sweet Pea went instead.

He returned and opened the stuff saying "your not gonna like what he told me."

I looked at him and he said "she's being molested again Jughead...assaulted..."

I gripped my hand into a fist and grabbed a knife and threw it at the wall.

I then said "we're going tonight I do not care! I'm going to fucking kill anyone who has hurt her!"

He nodded saying "I'll rally up the serpents."

I now had the dreaded doing of telling her father.

I called him and he picked up "Jughead?"

I then said "Mr Cooper...we found her..."

He gasped and said "this is amazing! This is great! I am heading over right now."

I then said "she's being assaulted again I'm sorry Mr Cooper..."

He began crying and I cried too as he said "how dare they do this to her..."

He cried and I heard meowing and said "we're gonna get her tonight, and I know Mr Cooper the law has its ways...but I will not let the man who touched her like this live...the death penalty is none existent in Riverdale or New York...I'm gonna kill him."

He then said "fine, do as you please. Kill him for what he's doing to my daughter, and bring her to me."

I smirked saying "with pleasure and promise."

I hung up and left and got the serpents attention.

"Tonight we go, we find anyone in this building unless they look like these three people."

I sent it them on their phones and said "don't kill them. And if you go in the basement watch out, if you go into the basement there's a man you cannot kill, restrain him, I'm killing him myself."

I got to the floor and Veronica said "is she okay?"

I shook my head and she said "okay...I'll stay with Cheryl when she gets here she may need help we will have clothes, food anything she needs."

I smiled and nodded and as Archie and Sweet Pea were loading machine and shot guns Fangs was making a few bombs.

I said "great guys. We're gonna get Betty home..."

I took out my ring and said "she's coming home."

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