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Jughead's POV
Today would be the gender reveal party and Betty was excited I was getting ready as Betty was tying her hair into a low ponytail. She was rubbing her stomach and smiling and I smiled at her.

I walked over saying "hey."

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her shoulder and rubbed her stomach.

"How are you and the baby doing?" I asked.

She then said "less morning sickness, so we're doing alright."

I laughed and kissed her as she said "I'm gonna change alright?"

I nodded and let her go. I walked downstairs and saw my men moving out with boxes and saw Betty's dad guiding them of where to go.

"So the house is all complete with which rooms are who's." He told me.

I nodded and he asked "is she okay?"

I nodded saying "we might also have a water birth at home, I know you might not be okay with the option but with me, I'm so sorry for bringing your daughter into this but my enemies if they see she's vulnerable."

He stopped me and smiled "the people who have tortured my daughter are in jail, that's enough more then I need, I'm fine with an at home birth Jughead."

I smiled and he did too as I began getting a call.

I picked it up saying "Jasmine."

My sisters roommate Jasmine replied back "hey Jughead so I'm getting on the plane right now. You sure Betty is okay with this."

I then said "of course she is."

She then said "alright, when I arrived just give me all of the hospital forms and I'll talk to her and we'll see what happens alright?"

After a few minutes of talking I hung up and Betty came downstairs wearing a baby blue dress.

She said "I hope for a boy."

I smiled saying "it's a girl."

She scoffed saying "not."

I then said "it's gonna take after there mother so girl."

She rolled her eyes saying "well no matter what gender it is we will love them right?"

I nodded and kissed her as she smiled and went over to talk to her dad. I went outside seeing Archie holding Veronica as she hung up a sign and I smiled lightly as I saw Cheryl and Toni organizing cupcakes.

Veronica saw me and squealed saying "this is gonna be epic, your gonna love the way I planned this out for you guys."

I smiled and she said "I can't wait I'm gonna be a god mother!"

I laughed and she smiled as Archie said "we're gonna be done soon so if you want you can tell Betty."

I nodded and went back inside. As we waited a little longer we walked back out and saw blue and pink cupcakes and a cake as well.

I smiled as Veronica said "alright so it's gonna be short and quick because I want some cake."

Archie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Kevin brought out a pole and set it on the floor of the empty dining room.

Veronica then had some heels saying "these are for Betty."

Betty was confused saying "I'm confused..."

I laughed and she said "the more you dance to the beat of the music the shows will start lighting up either pink or blue, and then at the end when you stop and set yourself on the floor well...you'll find out the gender."

Betty and I smiled and she went up and said "alright fine, give me a song."

Her dad laughed and she smiled at me saying "wait, but I'm pregnant how the hell am I gonna be able to do this!"

I laughed and suddenly Veronica began playing Gimme More by Britney Spears.

I smiled and she smiled and said "this one is for the lucky man I married."

I laughed and she smiled at me. As I watched her dance the shoes began glowing pink, but dimmed, it flowed blue and it dimmed, it began changing the lighting flickered to each color and as the song ended Betty twirled down slowly from the pole and stepped to the floor and and suddenly the shoes turned blue and stayed there. And all of a sudden Veronica, Archie, Kevin, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni, and Cheryl all set off confetti cannons and it was all blue and Betty began crying.

Veronica yelled "your having a boy!"

I smiled and I walked over to Betty and held her.

She smiled saying "a baby Jughead..."

I laughed and she smiled rubbing her stomach as she cried, I kissed her and she kissed me back. The rest of the night all of us drank except for Betty who ate for two, we talked and spoke and we were all extremely happy, things....finally felt normal for a change. We had a moment where it was normal and we can be ourselves and not be secretive. That night Mr Cooper went over to the new house while my guys and I cleaned up the last things we needed and Betty and I were in my car.

She said "we're having a boy..."

I smiled and she rubbed her stomach saying "we're having a mini you."

I laughed and kissed her hand saying "were gonna be okay, I promise."

She nodded saying "I know I'm just...I'm just happy...I want this life with you, and having him...I just want to...I want everything to work out..."

Suddenly she began wincing and holding her stomach.

I said "hey what's wrong..."

She winced saying "it's just Braxton Hicks contractions."

She winced and I held her hand as she breathed in and out slowly.

I smiled as she said "okay...I'm fine."

I sighed and my phone dinged and it was Jasmine, she was here, I then texted her back.

I looked at Betty saying "I think I found someone who can help us with this pregnancy okay?"

She smiled and I began driving. We got to the new place and as we were getting out my guards came out with Jellybeans roommate.

"Betty this is Jasmine, Jasmine this is Betty."

Betty smiled saying "hey, Jug remind me..."

I then said "we'll we need a midwife slash nurse, Jasmine at her local hospital did a lot of water births and now she does them without the hospital."

Jasmine then said "I'm here to help out your little baby, for the next few months just you and I."

Betty then said "oh...okay, so you know what your doing?"

She nodded saying "I've delivered many baby's don't worry okay?"

Betty nodded and i let them both in.

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