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Jughead's POV
Betty was with Silas rolling on the floor.

I yelled "no no!"

She was confused and I said "your bump is growing! No rolling!"

Silas frowned as he slouched and screamed as I gulped and Betty held him.

He said "mama..."

She glared at me and I said "what!"

He slowly got up and Betty held him as he walked two steps and fell back down. He's been learning to walk the past month, he's gotten his first steps sorta? But he can't hold himself up for too long.

"Juggie come on..." she said.

I sighed and said "fine, but only your back!"

She sighed and Silas walked into her arms and held her, Cooper came over and hissed at me.

I scoffed yelling "we're gonna have another kid is anyone worrying just as much as me or not at all!"

Betty set aside Silas got up and held my face.

"Juggie...I understand your scared, Jug I'm the one carrying the baby! You don't think I'm scared!" She yelled at me.

I gulped as she said "I'm terrified everyday if I do something wrong!"

She sighed and said "so stop fucking saying your worried! Because if something happens to this baby, it won't leave your body, it's gonna leave mine and do you think I want to see a baby...do you think I wanna see the miscarriage? You might see it, but I'll feel it, I'll feel when the blood leaves me, when I have no bump, when I feel nothing in there anymore..."

I frowned and she went to the room and slammed the door.

I bent down saying "I messed up guys I'm sorry..."

I sighed and Silas looked at me frowning.

I said "I'm sorry..."

He began crying saying "mama..."

I gulped and he held Cooper as he hissed at me.

"I'll go apologize sheesh."

I went to the bedroom saying "Betts..."

She said "what do you want? Want to remind me how I can kill this baby any day?"

I sighed and said "I didn't mean for it to come off like that...I just...I'm worried...I'm worried because... because I've read on many sights miscarriages leads to postpartum depression and with that mindset... you would want to kill yourself."

I sighed and she turned around saying "what if I already feel that?"

I gulped and she came up to me saying "I know...I know your mom committed...I don't want to think like this! I don't! I know you'll be upset, just as upset as me because you made the child with me...but what if you blame me for killing the baby? What if you hate me and divorce me...tell me everyday I killed our child...I just...I'm trying so hard to stay calm but it's our fault it's already difficult for us to have a child..."

I held her face saying "if we loose the baby I'll never leave you, I'll hold you when you cry, I'll kiss you to make you happy. I'll love you forever...I promised you."

She cried saying "I'm sorry...I'm just scared..."

I held her and rubbed her back saying "we're gonna do everything we can to make sure this baby won't be hurt okay? Okay will make sure that they're okay alright?"

She nodded and I wiped her tears away and kissed her head gently. She sniffled and I smiled and she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm sorry...I don't wanna do anything to harm myself, I just...I'm just scared." She told me.

I smiled saying "we are scared together, if you ever have these thoughts come to me, or I'll get you a therapist, whatever you need..."

"I'll love you forever and I'll keep you safe." I said.

She smiled and said "good. Could you maybe...rub my breasts like you did cause they're getting sore again..."

I laughed and kissed her saying "I'll do everything you need me to do, and I'll take care of you till you give birth and I'll take care of both of you."

She smiled and kissed me saying "I'm happy I married you...that I fell in love with you..."

I smiled and kissed her again, she held my hands and lightly moaned.

I smirked lightly saying "ahh, gotta love those baby hormones."

She bumped my shoulder and I laughed as we went back out and Silas ran to us and grabbed our legs while falling. I laughed and I picked him up.

He said "dada..."

I smiled and Betty picked up Cooper smiling as well. Betty was at home when I was with Archie.

He said "you should see Veronica her belly is getting bigger everyday, it's kinda scary how women's bodies can do that, like fuck, there skin is elastic."

I smiled and said "look I don't want to...I don't want to jinx anything but...Betty is also pregnant..."

He rose his eyebrows and scoffed saying "that's amazing! Good for you!"

He hugged me and I laughed as I said "she's only about two months in and...well we're just nervous."

He nodded saying "I know we all got scared for the both of you during the first pregnancy."

I nodded saying "so just don't say anything okay?"

He nodded saying "of course."

I smiled and he said "oh also gender reveal is in a few weeks and Veronica wants you both to be there."

I sighed and nodded as he said "but I'm so happy for you really...I know it's hard for you guys to get pregnant and...I'm happy you got it."

I smiled and nodded as suddenly I got a text from Betty telling me to get home quick.

I panicked saying "I've...I've gotta go, sorry, Betty's telling me to go home."

I ran to my car and quickly drove away when I got back I ran to the room and saw Betty on her computer.


She stopped and turned around smiling at me.

"What! I came..." I shouted.

I looked around and didn't see Cooper or Silas anywhere.

I said "what...but you said to come home quick."

She smiled and grabbed my arms saying "my dad dropped by wanted some grandpa, grandson fun time."

I smirked and she held my arms saying "but he also took Cooper cause well Coopers clingy to him...and I've been really, really, really, horny...this baby has been making me super emotional, horny, crabby, stressed...I was wondering if you could use that amazing dick of yours and fuck me..."

I smiled saying "your acting as if your drunk."

She giggled saying "I'm not just really horny..."

She pulled me closer and said "I'm not wearing any bra or underwear under my onesie Juggie..."

I gulped and said "Betts it's still far too early to be doing rigorous activities maybe going slow is a better option?"

She then said "fine, guess you don't want to do anything."

She turned around and went back to her computer.

I sighed and said "fine..."

She then said "oh no...now your gonna have to wait for sex till my first trimester is over."

I scoffed yelling "that's in six weeks!"

She smirked saying "you did it to yourself."

I glared at her saying "game on Betty, game on."

She smiled and I continued to glare at her.

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