•New Power•

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"MOMMY DADDY, HURRY" Himawari yelled.

Hinata and Sasuke ran. Hinata was carrying Souta and Daisuke was carrying an unconscious Haruka.


Sasuke scooped up Himawari.

"Don't try and run!" some man yelled.

"Sasuke-kun go. Hurry with them please" Hinata said panting.

"What?" Sasuke looked at her.

"Go my love. We won't make it" Hinata looked into Sasuke's eyes.

"B-But Hinata-"

"Please go Sasuke-kun, I love you" Hinata started crying a little bit.

Hinata fell. She couldn't run no more. Her wound was too deep.

"Hinata! Souta!" Sasuke exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Sasuke-kun" Hinata smiled.

A big flash came behind Hinata and Souta.

Sasuke tried to rush to them but was pushed by Hinata.

"I love you" Hinata said cradling Souta.

"MAMAAAA" Himawari screamed.

"MOM!" Daisuke yelled.

"We'll come back for you" Sasuke picked up Daisuke and an unconscious Haruka then ran.

"NOOO" Himawari kept screaming.

A big blast happened where Hinata and Souta was.

Sasuke was still running to the village carrying all of his kids minus Souta. He felt tears escaping his eyes.

Daisuke watched it all happen over Sasuke's shoulder. Then his mind went blank.

He couldn't feel anything. He just sat there, unable to feel anything at the moment. But he did feel tears coming out of his eyes. His whole face was wet.

"Dad, put me down" Daisuke was squirming out of his arms.

Sasuke let him down.

"We're near the village" Sasuke said still running. Daisuke is as fast as him, maybe even a little faster so he quickly caught up.

"I'll go ahead. And i'll take Hima too" Daisuke grabbed the crying Himawari then zoomed off.

"Hima, listen to me, they're ok. Mom is a strong woman, and I know Souta is ok too. He's super strong, like us" Daisuke kissed her head.

She buried her face in his chest, still crying.

He held her tightly.

10 minutes passed and he finally sees Konoha entrance.

Hima was sleeping.

He zoomed passed the ninja at the entrance and headed straight to the Hokage tower.

Soon as he got there he barged in.

His face was full of tears. His byakugan was activated. He also had a strange design in his sharingan eye.

"D-Daisuke? Hima? What happened??" Naruto was scared for them, he sees blood on them and seen Daisuke's face full of tears and blood coming from his sharingan.

"M-Mom and Souta- I don't know what happened b-but they're gone. Dads on his way w-with Haruka" Souta fell on his knees holding Himawari tightly in his arms crying.

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