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"Again. A random song. Me and my mom was listing to it and it's been stuck in my head all day😩. If you didn't grow up listing to this i'm sorry, so let me bless your life right now. And i lied. You won't find out next weekend. You'll find out what happens now hehe >;)*

And btw i might put random songs here for you guys. I'm gonna get you hooked🗿


Sasuke quickly searched downstairs. He didn't sense any other chakra though. He quietly sat everything down.

"PAPA" Daisuke yelled for Sasuke loudly.

"SASUKE-KUN" Hinata yelled too.

Sasuke teleported to Hinata. He seen four men. One was choking Hinata, the other kicked Daisuke in the stomach, the other guy was by Souta while holding Haruka's mouth shut.

Sasuke quickly grabbed Daisuke and Hinata then sat them away from the men. He grabbed Haruka and Souta. The men looked scared because of how fast he was.

"Who the hell are you?" Sasuke asked pissed off.

"Your family is a threat to us. We're here to kill you all" one of the men said.

"Daisuke, Haruka, take Souta and run to uncle Itachi alright? Hinata, go with them" Sasuke commanded them.

"No, i'm fighting too. Kids, listen to your father, run to uncle Itachi" Hinata helped them up.

Daisuke nodded and carried Souta. Haruka quickly ran away so did Daisuke.

One of the men tried to run after them but was stopped by an angry Hinata. She grabbed his arm. Hinata and Sasuke both activated their bloodline traits.

Hinata dug her nails into his arm to keep her grip, then used gentle fist to knock him down.

Sasuke taught her how to use katanas so she grabbed one that was hidden and sliced his arm off.

He screamed in pain.

Sasuke was beating them until one of the guys kicked Hinata in the stomach.

She coughed blood out.

"H-Hinata. Are you ok?" Sasuke stopped what he was doing.

She fell to the ground, limp.

She was still, it looked like she was dead. Sasuke was hoping she wasn't. That's his life right there. He can't live without her.

He just stared at her, frozen, and just unable to move.

The same guy ended up punching her.

Sasuke's eyes turned a weird color.

The guys kept punching her and another guy was running at Sasuke.

He thought Sasuke was in shock so he ran right at him head on.

But then, Sasuke looked up.

The intruder running at him froze. One of Sasuke's eyes was purple with some back circle things.

Sasuke uncontrollably transported them all to this other realm type of thing.

Everyone was in shock.

He ran right to Hinata. The man punching her had his throat slit by Sasuke.

He picked up Hinata to see if she was breathing.

"Hinata. Hinata please wake up. Hinataaa" Sasuke had tears running down his face. He quickly looked at the other men.

"Why did you think it was a good idea to kill us?" Sasuke bursted out into laughter.

One and Only (Continuation)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن