Cubes and Keys

185 7 13


ok so get's fukin goooo

Starting with what the dream was about, it's simple.

Weird-ass au where Luz is related to the titan or some shit

So start the scene with Luz just chatting with Amity over Azura, being adorable.

It's late at night, a few minutes right before midnight. Luz was being a happy bean, ranting about Azura, while Amity's reminiscing on her promise. They are at Blight manor because y e s.

The promise is to Emperor Belos that she would help get more cubes for him. Ed and Em promised too.

Cubes are basically small bits of concentrated magic, found in only very few (meaning there is no direct species that creates them) beings (or as particles, but they're found next to the cubes). While yes, witches still make magic in bile sacks, the cubes are like BIG energy boosters. Even better, they can be used to make any kind of magic, and last for a longer time than anything else depending on who uses it. They can also be used as upgraded elixir, or palismen goop. Which is also why Belos wants them.

In order to harvest the cubes, you would need a keyblade. (why? shit if I know, I was just an observer) all they would need to do, was slice the blade through the being's body, and it would take some of the energy (and with that a cube or two). Although it wouldn't leave any physical wounds, it would still hurt a lot. The cube beings (humans) could also willingly give them, but that rarely happens because finding a cube was only slightly rarer then finding a human.

Anyways, Amity was sitting in silence, eyes closed, when all of a sudden, Luz started giggling. "Amity! look!" Luz said cheerfully, grabbing the witch's hand.

"Hmm? what's-" Amity paused, frozen in place. because holy shit Luz was holding out a cube.

"I wanted to give you one!"

"hUh- what- hoW-"

Luz happily placed the cube on Amity's outstretched hand, smiling. The cube sparkled slightly, magic swirling inside slowly. Amity stared at the cube, still in shock. Her finger twitched upward, brushing against the cube, and it slowly began to shrink, as it was absorbed. Amity let out a shiver as she felt a sudden magic surge. Her hand closed into a fist, as the rest of the magic was absorbed. The witch let out a contented sigh, and looked up at Luz-

h o L Y F U C K .

Why? Because Luz had several FUCKING cubes surrounding her, and even m o r e particles.

Okay, Amity, calm down. Luz just has some of the most potent magic on the Isles surrounding her. Belos wants cubes. Just stay calm, and-

Luz has cubes.

Amity hid one of her hands behind her back as Luz went back to ranting about Azura. She made a small spell circle, and a keyblade appeared behind her. Luz's back was facing her.

Oh titan, what do I do!? I can't just take them, it's going to hurt her!

But I NEED the cubes.

But I don't want to hurt her!

But. CUBES. JUST THINK OF WHAT YOU COULD ACCOMPLISH! IT WOULD BE SO EASY TO GET INTO THE EMPEROR'S COVEN! Besides, there's so much magic! Why would she care, she doesn't even use them! All she does is give them away!

I DON'T KNOW THAT! For all I know, they could be keeping her alive!


"Ames?" The Blight jumped slightly, blinking rapidly. "Are you okay?" Luz shuffled closer.

"yEP! GOOD FEELS HERE, NOTHING WORRY!" What the fuck Amity, are you high!?

Luz blinked. "Oh-ho-kay...-"


"Oh no." Luz whispered.

"Wake me up inside!" Luz's scroll (Amity bought it a few days ago, because Luz didn't have one before) blasted some very...interesting music, while it lit up, with Eda's icon, labeled as Witch mom :].

Luz leaped up, only to trip on her shoe, and fall back down. Amity decided to use Luz's panicking to think.

"Wake me up inside!"

Okay, so Luz hasn't really ever used them, right?

How would you know that!?

"Wake me up inside!"

First of all: we are literally the same person. Second of all, her body doesn't use magic, nor has any good way of storing it.

"Call my name and save me from the dar-r-k~!"

So what if she doesn't use them traditionally! What if she uses them a different way, her own magic!?

Well, you could always ask her. She seems friendly enough.

Amity could feel a strange haze falling upon her mind. She slowly stood up again, taking heavy steps towards Luz. Her instincts began to fight for control, and she let them take over.

"Bye Eda!"


"Anyways, what where you asking about?" Luz turned around. She faltered when she saw Amity.




The blade swung down.






"...It hurts so much..."


" more..."



A ding was heard. Amity blinked out of her stupor, looking around in confusion. She looked at her hand, and the keyblade's meter glowed, full.

Huh. It's full. Nice.

When did it get full?

Soft whimpers were heard, causing Amity to freeze.

No. Please, no.

Amity didn't want to look down, but she forced herself to.

Luz was curled up on the floor, trembling weakly. She looked paler, tears falling down her face. Amity felt her heart shatter. She gently crouched down, reaching a hand up, and spinning a circle. An abomination picked Luz up, before carrying her to Amity's bed, and laying her down. The abomination tucked the crying Luz into the bed, before a sleep spell was casted on her.

What now? Her mind inquired. We can't let her go now. She might tell the Owl Lady, and then what?

Amity shuffled closer, before hesitantly leaning down. She kissed Luz's forehead, and left, distraught.

And then I woke up again ah

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