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Aecha woke up to find herself in a windowless yet still well lit room

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Aecha woke up to find herself in a windowless yet still well lit room.
"I see you've finally woke up." She heard Rocky say from the kther end of the room. She didn't respond.
"So, are you going to ask? Ask why I brought you here? Ask me why I killed your brother?" Rocky said, walking over to the girl. She stayed silent.
"I know who you work for. But I know they won't find you. We aren't even in Seoul anymore. Welcome to hell." Rocky said. The gril stayed quiet, willing herself to keep a stoic expression.
"You hungry?" Rocky asked, all too nicely. The gril stared straight ahead, ignoring the man who kidnapped her.
"I asked if you were hungry." He said angrily. He grabbed the girl by her hair, forcing her to look at him.
"I offered you food, and you decided not to take it. It was going to be your last meal for a while." Rocky seethed as he pushed the girl harshly. He walked out of the room and locked the door. Only then did the girl let out a stray tear. She can't show weakness, it will only give them more power over her. She laughed bitterly. Maybe, this would be the answer she'd been asking for. But she knew otherwise. She doesn't know why he did that to her brother but she knows that he's going to ruin her will to live until it breaks. He's going to try to break her. But why did he target the girl?

The next day, Rocky walked into the room again.
"Hey there Aecha." She hated the way he said her name.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked.
"You didn't sleep, I'm not stupid." Rocky said, figuring that much from the bags under her eyes.
"You want to know something, Aecha?" Rocky said, putting his hand under her chin and forcing her to look ar him.
"You know that day I killed your brother, I knew you saw me. I knew you were there. I wanted you to see. I wanted you to witness his death. But really, he wasn't necessary. I'd have you here anyways. But look! Now I have you!" He said, oddly happy.
"Now I don't have to worry about someone else having you! I still remember that day, though. I was only merely fourteen. He was the first person I killed. But I didn't mind. It was all part of the plan." He said, lightly stroking the girl's cheek. She pulled her face away from his hand.
"What's wrong Aecha, I did this all for us. Did you really think that I would kill you? Of course not! I'm going to make you forget everything. You'll forget about those boys. You're going to be my girl. No one elses." He said into her ear. She flinched at the feeling.
"You'll be mine, no matter what it takes."

Back in Seoul, Jisung became a mess. It had only been a day.
"Where the hell did he go?" Jisung said as he grabbed one of Rocky's old accomplices up by his collar.
"I don't know, he left without a word." Jisung knew he wouldn't get an answer. He put the gun to the man's head and pulled the trigger, the man's body going limp immediately.
"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" He yelled, looking at the bodies that littered the ground. He walked out of the building and got into his car.

He pulled up to the base and walked into Taeyong's office.
"Taeyong, he took her out of the city." Jisung said coldly, even though his voice shook as he spoke.
"Fuck it, I'm calling all units. We are going to get our ace back." Taeyong said, picking up the phone.
"Kun? This is Taeyong. How fast can you get back to Korea?" Taeyong asked sternly.
"We just finished a mission. We could be there tomorrow." Jisung heard Kun answer.
"Hurry, we have a kidnapped member." Taeyong said. Although they didn't talk much, Aecha became an important part to many members of NCT. She was like a daughter to Taeyong in a sense.
"We'll be there around midnight." Kun said. Taeyong hung up the phone.
"I don't care how long it takes, I'm going to find her." Jisung said.
"I have to find her."

"Taeyong, who is it? Who was it?" Kun asked as he had a meeting with them and Mark.
"Aecha Lee, our second ace. She was kidnapped by a bastatd that is known as Rocky. No one knows his birth name. The records we have of him are too vague to be real. He also killed her brother." Taeying said.
"We both lost Changhyun, I won't lose her, too." Mark said.
"Are you guys related?'
"We are cousins." Mark said.
"Well, everyone should know what to do. Give them profiles of this Rocky. Let's find our girl." Taeyong said. The two youngers nodded before leaving the room.
Taeyong sat there for a moment, takinf a few deep breaths.
"Jaehyun, I'm calling a meeting, send out the message." Taeyong said, leaning back in his chair.
"We have to find her.'

I don't know what I'm writing 🤡

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I don't know what I'm writing 🤡

Well, this will be an interesting story then I guess

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