nights of storms

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Shirabu pov

At that moment the only thing i remmember is how i woke up trembling like every other night, because of the same old nightmare i always had when there was a storm and specially with thunders.

Ever since i was a kid i hated storms, i was always scared of them but when i was little my mom used to help me through it, but two years ago she left.
I was alone. My own mother abandoned me just like my dad did too, she thought her new boyfriend deserved her more than i did . So now i had no one to help me through storms and well i am mot even at home anymore i am seventeen now and since i was living at the shiratorizawa dorms i had permission to stay there and not have to move in with some aunt that i barely even know.
But here it is already bad enough and the storms just remind me of even worse things so now here i am crying alone inside my blankets curled up in my bed. Thinking if i should call someone to come here or if not.
But well who could still be up at 2am of a school night.

I picked up my phone and well looking at all my contactos my options are quite limited, i don't have many friends but i do have the time althought none of them are still awake now except for probably Semi. But it would be way to embarassing i'm suppost to hate him anyways so he can't see ny vunerable side.

"Ahhh shit" Oh well another one, man i really don't want to but i don't know how to make it stop and i don't want to cry i really don't man this is awfull.
I pressed his number on my phone and i wasn't expecting him to answer specially me and at this hour, but he answered and fast.

On the phone

"Shirabu do you need anything to be calling mjust like my dad did tooe at this hour it's not usual of you??"

"Semi I-"

" wait shira are you crying?"

"I need help"

"Talk to me what happened?"

"It's the storm, and i'm scared, and my mom and all i need someone right now i could only think of you"

"You are at your dorm right?"


"Then just wait i'll be there in a minute"

"No you need to come to the 2nd years building and then you would get wet don't come"

"Don't worry about that now i'm sure you jave a towl that i can use get dry when i get there"

"Ok, but Semi ahh"

"Just wait i'm coming"

"Please be fast"

End of phone call

I heard a knock on the door but i'm way to scared to get up, but it's Semi...

"Come in the door is unlocked"

"I'm coming" i could recognize him it's Semi's voice, it might seem like i hate him but i really don't, actually i really like him he is always the one who helps me on everything. But he doesn't share the feelings so i act distant like i hate him so this way my feelings for him go away but they didn't unfortunatly.

I slowly started to take the blankets off of me and i started to look at him and he was so wet and all because of me.

"Let me go to the bathroom grab you a towel and i'll give you some clothes too, i'm a little bit shorter than you but they fit you"

"Thanks really, but please talk to me the thunders already stopped so you won't be so scared, i promise"

"Here are the towl and the clothes, you can change in the bathroom"

"You see me change my clothes everyday, so there is no need to i won't leave you alone right now you need someone with you"

"But Semi it's really fine"

"No it's not, Ok i finished changing can i sitted in your bed?"


"Now come here Shira"

What is he doing? Well my bed is big anyways so i'll just lay down.

"Oh" he is sitted with his back on the headboard and now my head is on top of his legs

"Just relax, you don't need to say anything it's probably bad if you do so just try to sleep well for the rest of the night"

"What about you? You need to sleep too and of you're here it won't be possible unless you sleep here but you probably feel unconfortable wich is fine so you can just leave me already i'm sorry for bothering you really, just ignore this whole thing i'll be fine"

"Sushh just stop, first no you're not fine you are obviously still anxious since you didn't stop crying since the moment i came in, second who said i felt unconfortable with spending here the night are you forgeting we even shared a bed on some trainning camps and i'll be fine without a night of sleep you should now by now that i'm used to sleepless night, so now juat lay down and try to get some rest"

"Oh, thanks then... i appreciate it... i really do"

Is touch feels nice, i'm just laid down but he is stroking my hair and ny mom used to do it to calm me down and it helps me so much. Now there aren't even any more thunders so it's fine. I can rest, all thanks to Semi.

"Thank you semi" i don't know if he heard this i hope not but i'm thankfull though i really am.


"Always?" Why did i even asked but what's done is done.



Heyy, so i'm so sorry this is awfull i was in a rush so yeah i hate it too but anyways it's the last day of 2021 at least in my country it still is so in advance i want to say to all of you, who supported me through so many times, i wish you the best for 2022 and i send you love and all positive that you van think of byee <3
And a special thank you for making my 2021 better <33

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