strawberry lipstick and glasses

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-ugh Taichi just go without me i forgot my glasses at the gym - said shirabu really annoyed since he had to go back to the gym and would miss the bus home

- man that sucks, how could you even forget your glasses? Anyways, you sure you don't want me to come with you?- said Taichi a bit worried about his bestfriend

- No, no it's okay just go without me, i'll be fine. - replied Shirabu

While walking to the gym Shirabu was mumbling something about how dumb he was for forgeting his glasses and how he was gonna have to wait an hour for the next bus.
As he got to the gym he opened the door and went to the corner where he had left his glasses, and luckly they were there. He then picks them up and starts walking to the door, while he puts them in his bag.

- shit, be more carefull when you're walking - said shirabu now even more annoyed since his things now fell to the floor and his chances of still catching the bus went straight away to zero.

-Uhmm a little more of respect to your senpai wouldn't hurt you.

-oh, uhmm yeah about that i didn't know it was you. I'm sorry Semi but you need to be more carefull though.

-you were the one who was walking with all those things in your hands. How am i the one who needs to be more carefull?? - said semi trying to mess just a little bit more with shira.

-yeah, yeah sure. But anyways why are you even here? You don't seem the kind of person who comes to train more after practice.

- sorry to disapoint you Shirabu but i forgot something in the gym. And why are YOU here too?

- Well semi-senpai i also forgot something- replied shirabu in a now teasing voice

- Oh yeah and what was that ? - said semi back in the same teasing voice the younger had used before

- my uhmm... my glasses - whispered shirabu, but since there was no one else there to make any noise it was very well heard

- you use glasses??- asked semi in a really loud voice

- yeah, just in class and to read though i don't need them in my daily life. But what did you forget too?

- Oh, i almost forget about it, my lipstick- replied semi

- didn't know you wore lipstick -teased shirabu again

- didn't know you wore glasses - now they were both embarassed not just one of them

- well you probably should go grab your lipstick, while i finish grabing the rest of my things

- shira wait! How are you gonna get home?? You were suposed to catch the bus with Taichi right, you always do

-Yes, semi i was supost to but now i gotta way another hour for the next one to come

- what if you came to my house for the night, after all i live alone so it would be good to have company for the night at least for dinner, then i'll prepare you the guests bedroom and you can stay there until tomorrow morning, i don't promise i won't annoy you but well what do you say?? - at this point semi was quite anxious waiting for the younger's boy response.

- i probably shouldn't but i'm so tired i really don't wanna wait another hour so yeah i will go to your house- after what shirabu just said a smile started to grow on semi's face.

- well i already have my lipstick and you packed all your things so let's get going.

- ok, but you have to go in front of me. One 'cause i don't know the way to your house and two i don't know what you could do walking behind me. - teased shirabu one more time

- yet you still agreed to come to my house where there is no one else - teased semi back

It didn't took more than five minutes for the two boys to get to Semi's house.

- come in, this is my apartment
- it's actually not that bad
- well, thank you shirabu it is really good to know that your expectations of me are so low
- no they are not THAT low it's just that a 18 years old boy living alone you can't expect the best
- yeah but you could have said something more like "Oh semi your house is so pretty i wish i lived here"
-i would never say that
-i know

A little more time passed and Shirabu was on the kitchen table doing is homework while Semi was cooking something for their dinner.
Shirabu had just finished his homework and part of Semi's so he thought it would be a good time to teased the older after all that was probably one of his favorite hobbies. Not that he had many but flirting with his crush in an indirect way, well it was nothing special but he liked it.

-Woah Semi-senpai didn't know you knew how to cook, if you also knew how to clean you would make an amazing husband

This cause semi to be a little flustered but nothing that would cause him to step away

- well if you really think so you should start thinking of proposing to me 'cause this house doesn't get clean by itself

- well then semi will you marry me ??
- uhmm shirabae that's kinda gay
- bitch, you're gay
- you're gay too, am for a matter of fact i am bisexual, shira
- yeah, yeah sure

At this point the dinner was ready, so they started eating, but of course they were still messing with eachother with a few laughs here and there

After dinner they were enjoying their company so much that they decided to put on a movie since it was still early.

They barely talked trough the movie just a few comments here and there but by the middle of it semi noticed something. He had changed clothes before cooking but shirabu was still in is uniform.

- hey shira, go to my closet and grab something for you to sleep with
-uh no semi there is no need really
- why not or wait you are the kind of person who sleeps in underware
- no not at all but i don't wanna bother you anymore
- well you don't, if you did i wouldn't have invited you, made you dinner, and also try to give you something to sleep in
- well then i will choose something
- you already know my bedroom so just search trough the drawers

Shirabu ended up picking a pair of grey sweatpants and just a plain black shirt, he proced to change and then before coming back to the living room he saw a lipstick, probably the one Semi went back to the gym to grab.
And since he was so curious he took it with him and when got to the living room to a now kinda sleepy semi he asked

- was this the lipstick you went back to the gym to grab ?
- what? Oh yeah it is, wanna know something about it

By now they were sitted together on the couch side by side, and the lipstick was already on semi's hand. He then proced to open it and put a bit on his lips. He then got a little closer to shirabu and gave him a sweet, soft kiss on the lips.

Shirabu obviously got really really flustered and dind't know what to say, and also obviously semi realized and to break the silence decided to talk.

- it tastes like strawberry, sweet right?
-uh semi you can't just say this so normal after kissing me
- i was just continuing our talk i asked if you wanted to know something about it, you didn't answer so i showed you that it tastes like strawberries.
-well then i think i need more proof to see if it really tastes like strawberries
- to someone so flustered a few minutes ago, you are kinda blunt now
- well you started all of this so i think i deserve at least one more kiss
- you can have a goodnight kiss later, but you won't have to way that much. It's late already we should go to bed.
Well i didn't prepared the guests bedroom what if you sleeped in my bed
- then where would you sleep??
- in my bed too, i was saying that we could sleep in the same bed. After all we sleeped together in training camps it won't be much diferent
-ok then

The two boys then washed their teeth and both went to bed one on each side of it, and as promised Semi gave Shira a goodnight kiss.

-so does it taste like strawberry shira??
-actually it does semi

They fell asleep still one in each side of the bed but when they woke up shira was already with his head on semi's chest, and semi had is arms wrapped around shirabu's body.

Shirabu was the first to woke up so he realized the position they were in and only one thing sliped trough his mouth.
- guess forgeting my glasses at the gym, wasn't that bad after all.

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