daily routines after concerts and acidents

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Wake up.


Go to school.

Eat again.

Going to volleyball pratice.

Coming back home.


Eat once more.


Then sleep.

This was the routine of Shirabu Kenjirou, not that he didn't wanted a better one, but he couldn't manage to get one.
Not that he didn't tried but after the acident, he just couldn't do anything is even good that he gets out of bed everyday.
Shirabu still has nightmares about that night almost every time he goes to sleep.

It was february 6 and him and Semi were going to a concert. When they started dating Semi discovered that Shirabu had never been to a concert in his life before. So he decided that he was gonna be the one who would take Shirabu to one. But he didn't wanted ut to be any concert so he waited until he found one that Shirabu would like.
Shirabu once had mentioned in a conversation about this one band that he liked, mother mother, so when Semi saw that they were giving a concert next town he went straight away to bought tickets.
When he told shirabu, the younger boy got so happy he couldn't even describe it but of course he wouldn't show it that much just a smile and thank you were enough for the older to understand that he had made his boyfriend happy.

That night Semi went to pick shirabu up at his house, and they were is Semi's car since he had a license he decided he was gonna drive them there.

The concert itself was amazing they sang, they laughed, smiled, kissed, danced, screamed. Everything. Everything they have done, that night they did it.
It was really late when the concert was over, and the streets were dark.
Together they walked to the car still laughing and singing.
When they got to the place where their car was they got in and started their little trip back home. That nigjt they would stay together at shirabu's house since it was closer it was probably the saffest option.

Their ride home was pretty chill the windows open with the wind on their faces, singing as loud as they could and shirabu's hand on semi's thigh. They always did this while driving since semi needed to be carefull with the road but still wanted to give one hand to shira, they started doing this so this way they were touching but Seki ciuld still use both hands.
Everything still seemed normal but all of a sudden they just see the flashing lights coming in their direction by the wrong side of the road.

Shirabu didn't remmembered anything else since the light.
So when he woke up and realised he was in an hospital bed he freaked out.
Then the nurse who was checking to see if everything was alright after he woke up called the doctor to explain the situation to him.
When the doctor finished explaining the acident Shirabu had only one thing in his mind Semi.
They hadn't told him about him, but he was alright wasn't he?

So he asked about "the other boy who was in the car" and tears started to form in the corner of his eyes just by seeing the expression the doctor made.
And right after that the "i'm sorry to inform you but he passed away we just couldn't save him, you passed out from the hit, but he didn't and he was cut by lots of glass and lost to much blood. We're sorry"
And when this sentence ended shirabu just started crying after all it was is fault he was the one, who had never been to a concert, if he had it wouldn't happen, he really tried to but this thoughts were the only thing in his mind.
That and the fact that the boy he loved for so long is now dead, and he didn't even get the chance to say a last 'i love you'.
After just a bit the doctor told shirabu that the other boy had asked the paramedics team to told him something when he woke up.
"I love you, sorry to leave you so fast."
Shirabu was spechless, the only thing he could do was cry so he did, he cryed and cryed and cryed. Alone in that hospital bedroom and the only words that escaped his mouth were "i love you too, eita, i'm sorry".

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