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Shirabu always went to bed at midnight, it was an habit and now he couldn't get rid of it. It wasn't bad after all at least he went to bed early on school days.
But this time Shirabu went to bed at midnight but it's already past two in the morning and he still can't sleep.

He changed positions, he covered himself and uncovered, put more pillows, toke pillows, he had done everything but nothing could make him fall asleep that night.

He then started thinking if there was someone who could be awake at that time and there was one person that came into his mind straight away. Semi.

Oh, hell no. He wasn't gonna text Semi he was quite desperate and had no one to talk but he wouldn't text Semi.

But after all Semi was probably the only kne awake at 2am of a wednesday night of school. So he gave up and did. He text  Semi.


Texts between Shirabu and Semi

uhmm hey

     oh, you texting me, and at this time well that's something i didn't expect

i didn't expect either but well here we are

   anyways do you need anything you wouldn't text without a reason

actually i don't have much of a reason i just can't sleep and i thought you would still be awake so why not tect you

      oh, alright i see. Insomnia??

unfortunatly yeah

i know how it is it sucks. But well do you have anything to make you fall asleep like any method??

not really, any advice ??

wanna come to my dorm, i can show you my "ritual" to help me fall asleep

wait you want me to go there right now??

i mean i don't see why not

i won't sleep anyways so i'll be here in less than 5 minutes

ok ok

End of texts

Shirabu get up from his bed, changed from his pajama to some sweatpants and a confy sweatshirt, picked up his keys and went to Semi's dorm. When he got there he texted Semi saying he was there and Semi went to open the door to the younger.

As the older opened the door, the younger boy came in and was greted by a sleepy Semi. Seeing Semi like that made Shirabu think he shouldn't had come. 

"oh, maybe i really shouldn't have come"

"no, no i told you to come so it's fine"

"oh ok then"

Then Semi proceded to went to his bed leaving a standing Shirabu by th door.

"don't just stay there come here. lay here in my bed with me, or are you unconfortable by that ?"

"no, i'm not unconfortable at all"

Shirabu then walked over to the bed and sat beside the older boy, who was alright layed in his bed with his laptop opened in front of him.

"so Semi what's your ritual?"

"don't stay sitted there lay beside me, and he'll see one of the harry potter movies they always make me sleepy"

"wait  you like harry potter?"

"i mean yeah i usually see them to sleep but yeah, what about you Shira?"

"yeah actually i do"

"let's start by the first and well then we keep seeing them"

"alright then, Semi"

Both boys were just layed in bed both wanting to cuddle with eachother but not wanting to admit or make the first move. So eventually Semi did he hold Shirabu next to his chest and started singing in a really low tone. Shirabu didn't back away so he stayed there holding onto the other. Not much time later Shirabu ended up falling asleep really fast when Semi hold on to him. And the singing really helped. 

Semi noticed the younger falling asleep so without moving much not to wake him up, amd he turned of the movie and covered him and the younger so that they were warm trough the night. And before falling asleep too a few words sliped trough his mouth.

"he loks so peacefull here sleeping, i wish i could see him like this more, he looks cute"

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