Chapter 1

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Ok guys, the moment you all have been waiting for.

I'm so sorry I haven't even got anything out for this book I adopted.

I have been trying my best to get back into writing.

 Now since I'm going to be done with school soon I'll do my best to balance my books with my work time.

And another reason I wasn't starting on this book was because I was unsure of how to start it off.

so I'ma kinda go off of what the original writer for this book already had and go from there.

I hope you all understand and stick with me.

Another quick note, this oc is not mine nor is it's name.

Hope ya enjoy my content.

I shivered as I walked through the cold snow, my wings hugging my body trying to seek warmth as my sharp claws left soft scratches in the snow. 'It's to cold here, to cold to survive the night.' I silently told myself as I held my head down as I pushed myself along, the freezing wind fighting me every step I took. 'Huh, I can't believe I might die tonight?' I stopped a few moments as I lifted my head looking back behind where I had come from. My tracks being covered almost as quickly I had made them.

You might be thinking, why am I here? Alone in the snow and not in the warmth of a pack? I had been banished by the alpha, him fearing I'll over throw him for his place in the pack just because I'm an alpha blood too. Fragging idiot I could't even lead a hunt, let alone lead a hole pack. The wind blew at me once more making my body freeze more than it already was. I whined softly at the pain I felt from my aching joints.

'I wish I could fly, I could find a cave for shelter much faster.' I thought as I curled my head close to my chest an started to slowly move forward once again. But I was unable to fly being my wings were to frozen to to do so, they would most likely break from just trying to stretch them out to their full length. I suddenly felt the wind pick up and get even colder, my instincts telling me a blizzard was on its way.   

I growled softly as I walked over a snowy hill, lifting my head slightly to see a cave in the cliff's side a few yards in front of me. My body filled with relief as I used the last of my energy to run to the cave. I panted as I entered the cave but I slipped on the icy floor, I fell onto my side as I slammed into the back wall. I groaned in pain as the cold had made my metal sensitive, I slowly stood up as I looked around. I froze in place as I quickly looked down noticing the ice crack under me slightly.

'O-ok easy now, think thin thoughts.' I slowly lifted my claws as I tried to move off the thin ice under me. I watched the ice closely as with each step I took the ice would crack under my weight. Right as I was about to reach thicker ice the ice gave way under me. My optics went wide as I roared out and fell into freezing cold water, I tried to find where I fell in but the water had already begone to freeze me in place.  

I panicked as I was now unable to move anything, I looked up slightly seeing the water freeze over where I had fell in. I slowly felt my body shut down from the freezing cold. My optics flickered as I closed them slowly, falling into a dark void as my body and mind went into a full shutdown. 

I hoped you guys liked it.

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