Chapter 11

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I panted lightly as I laid spread out on my side in one of the larger rooms of the base. Optimus having thought it best if I was moved somewhere I could be comfortable. I will say I am comfortable in this room, plenty of space where I can move and stretch my wings along the ground. But this heat! As the days passed my body was losing its cool temperature and now it was starting to get unbearable. I whined and crackled my jaw as my cooling fans worked overtime to cool my heating core. I soon opened my optics as I heard the door to my space and lifted my head to see Bumblebee with the 'humans' I remember bee showing them to me. I crackled my jaw in greeting and brushed my snout against Bee's hand as he came over. "Hey girl! how ya doing?" I laid my head back down as Miko was the one to speak. I whined in discomfort as I rolled back onto my side, panting as they seemed to catch on that something was wrong with me.

I looked up as Bee knelt down and chirped an beeped to comfort me as he looked me over. "What's wrong with her?" Raf asked as he came closer to me, my optic focused on the youngest and gave no reply as I glanced back to Bumblebee as he felt my neck and side. I huffed and crackled my jaw as he touched my heated chest, causing the yellow bot to pause and look at me before he rested a hand over my chest once more. I chirped and whined as I showed I was overheating, and this caused him to whizz in slight alarm as he realized that I was to hot. "Whats  up?" Miko asked slightly confused but Raf answered "He said she's overheating, we need to help her cool off." he said as he adjusted his glasses "Well each room in the base should have a thermostat, we turn it lower till she is comfortable." Jack suggested as they all started moving around the room. 

I just laid there as I watched them all closely, I still didn't understand most of what they were saying but I was getting it. The new langrage was strange for me since I had only spoke through grunts and growls. My head fins shot up as I heard a sudden clank in the walls, well the sound echoed but I could still hear it in the walls. "There, the air conditioning should get it cooled down in no time" I lifted my head as I smelled the air as I already felt the cooling air around me. I purred and stood up as I held my face up against one of the many vents pushing out freezing air. "I think she likes it." I looked to the humans a moment before I chirped and looked around.  I took in a long breath before I let out my snow breath, Tho I kept it lightly so it looked like I was a snow maker, I spin in place as I helped get even colder into room. "Cool! We have an Ice dragon!" Miko jumped up and down excitedly while I turned back to them. 

I tiled my head lightly as I watched her before rolling my optics and moving as I rolled in the snow pile I made. 'Ahhh~ this is much better~' I purred as I laid on my back in the snow. "Hey maybe we can give her a name now?" Miko added her mind flooded with ideas and I ignored her as I rolled back onto my stomach and just watched them. "Hmm yea something to do with snow." Jack added as he looked around at the snow and to me. 'Snow, yes I love snow.' I chirped lightly as I only was able to catch that in what they said. "She seemed to already like about Snow White?" Rah suggested sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his name. "Isn't that the name of that princess with the 7 short people?" Miko asked with a raised brow before Bumblebee whizzed in delight at the mention of the movie. He had really enjoyed the movies the Disney had made and what Rah had shown him.

I turned my head to Bumblebee as he whizzed an beeped in a certain way, I tiled my head as it was different from his normal sounds. Bumblebee having said Snow White again, Rah nodded his head in agreement. "I like it too, I think it suits her perfectly. What ya think, SnowWhite?" I looked back down to the youngest human, I chirped and crackled in approval again. I purred as I leaned into Bumblebee's touch, I chirped and copied him as he repeated the name once more and hugged my head gently. Me just relaxing as I closed my optics, enjoying the attention and affection I was getting.

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