Chapter 3

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The femme predacon flew as high about the Arctic. Her metal blending into the sea of white below her. And unlike most cybertronians, she was built for the cold. Able to survive in freezing temperatures, the cold never bothering her. She looked closely as she took in her surroundings. Everything was different, very different.

She dove down as she landed on the edge of a ice cliff. She stood tall as her instants lead her to her old packs location. But there was nothing, just a cold empty waste land. Her wings lowered on her sides as she gave a confused and worried look.

She stood on her hind legs as she lifted her head and let out a loud and long roar. Hoping to get a reply from one of her own kind. She dropped back onto all fours as her roar carried over the snow. She listened closely as the cold breeze blew over her metal. Nothing but silence was given to her.

She crouched over the edge as she steadied herself and jumped down the cliff. Much like a cat would when they leaped down from the counter. She couldn't smell any signs that predacons were here anymore. She frowned as she lifted her head from the snow. 'What happened to everyone? Why can't I track them?' She thought to herself as she dug in the snow tell she hit solid ice. No nets, no caves in the cliff sides, just...Nothing.

Her thoughts were quickly stopped as she caught a strange scent. She crouched in the snow and used her wings to reflect the snow. Making her invisible to the optic, she watched closely for any moment. Soon she spotted what she had been smelling. Much smaller beings that stood on two legs. Her optics slitted as she recognized them from when she broke from her icy tomb. But there were more than she remembered now.

She stayed silent and deadly still as they came closer. "Are you sure it went this way?" Starscream huffed as him and the others. Knockout had the tracker still lord Megatron ordered the capture of the predacon alive. Breakdown, Soundwave and Shockwave had come on the mission as ordered. Along with more drones. "There are signs that the predacon was here." Shockwave pointed out where she had dug up the snow and ice.

The femme of course had no idea what they said, unable to understand their words. They all walked past her and stood just about 10ft in front of her. All having their backs to her, slowly lifted her tail, the tip moved as it sharpened. It moved close behind the dark blue mech, she reared it back and brought it down. Shockwave looked back just as she brought her tail down but he lifted his cannon and shot her tail.

She roared as she swung her wings up and kicked the snow up into the white cloud. She growled to all of them as she stood on her hind legs once more and flared her wings out as she made herself more intimidating. "I think you just pissed it off." Knockout said as him and Breakdown back away and readied their weapons. As did the drones, she growled as she saw all take aim at her.

"Fighting it will prove pointless." Shockwave stated as she turned to him, her optics focused on him. She roared as she charged him, Shockwave stood calm and stead as she did. Just as she was about to reach him, she felt a large force  slam into side. She went flying across the soft snow, she caught herself as her claws dug into the ice.

The femme groaned as she shook the snow off her and looked to see what had hit her. Her optics landed on a large colored predacon, she was shocked as she wasn't given time to recover. Predaking had charged her once again as he wrapped his jaws around her neck. Trying to pin the femme down, she roared as his teeth dug into her metal. Snapped her jaws around his snout, both drawing energon. This made Predaking let go and pull away from her but she never loosened her grip on him as she had control. She growled as she pulled and threw him away a little ways away.

Predaking and her both circled each other as they growled and hissed at one another. Showing clearly both were alphas, neither backing down. She reared her head up as she hissed and readied her ice breath. Her optics widened tho as she felt something hit her other side. She then roared in pain as she felt electricity run through her body.

She could feel her spark being overwhelmed as her optics flickered. She fell to her side with a loud thud as she felt the shock stop. The femme panting heavily as her body tried recovering but it was to much as she felt her systems shut down. Her optics closed as she laid limp on her side. The darkness quickly taking over.

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