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It was late, or at least that's what the clock indicate, seeing as there is no day and night in this house in the void. In the kitchen, modern by look, but old by age, the place is being used to prepare dinner for the many individuals residing here. The person cooking was chopping some mushrooms, knowing someone is going to bother them in a few seconds. They wiped some tomato sauce on their hand to their apron.

And in come a girl, with similar look to the person cooking. She approached them, asking a badly sentenced question.

"What you doing?"

"....Cooking." The person replied.

"Cooking what?"


"Yaaay~" the girl reached for what seem like tomato sauce in a pot. Her hand was smacked away by a wooden spoon, though the pain never reached her, and the person cooking felt a sharp paint on the back of their hand.


"..Ah...sorry." the girl look apologetic, knowing what her power can do. She still licked her fingers, covered in the little amout of sauce she managed to get.

"...I don't care." the person said, as they put the diced mushroom into the pot of tomato sauce.

The girl, trying to liven up the mood, offered to help.

"Can I-"




"..." the girl gave up, noticing the pale looking person grabbing a jar of salt.

"Wha! Noooo! The sauce is perfect alreadyyyyyyy~" they tried to stop them, but failed. The salt is already poured.

"Taste it." the person held a spoonful of the sauce, hovering in front of the girl's mouth. The girl opened wide, and bit down on the spoon.

"It's.....good, but..just before it was perfect."

"Exactly." the person switched off the stove, much to the girl's suprise.

"Wh-Wha?" the girl looked confused.

"It's better that I serve the good one, rather than the perfect one."

"Why?!" the girl smashed their hands on the kitchen countertop.

"If I do that, then their standards will rise to the food's level. And anything that is 'good' will be just 'meh'."

"Wha....then can't you just cook the perfect one then?!" the girl yelled, even more confused.

The person sighed.

"Then with time, even the perfect ones will be normal."


"If you see something special, everyday, for the rest of your life, then it won't be special anymore. It will just be 'something'."

"...But..." the girl remembered the taste of the sauce.

"If it's this good, I won't mind eating it everyday!"

"...Of course, someone like you won't accept such an answer." the person took the pot, and turned around towards the additional countertop behind them, filled with plates upon plates of spaghetti.

"Cara.." they put the pot down on an empty spot.

"Do you like Bronze?"

The girl was startled by the sudden heavy subject.

"Wh-Wha-What do you mean? Of course I do!" she stuttered.

"...Then, answer me. What if you replace his face with everyone?"


"From your brother or sister, to your father and mother. From the most innocent of children, to the most corrupted politicians. From an ant, to a blue whale."


"Every person you see, every living thing, is Bronze. The person you like. For the rest of your life, you will only see him in anything. Can you live like that?"

"....That's....just weird!"

"But I thought you like him?"



"Gahhhh!" the girl stormed off, pouting, having nothing more to say.

"...Go call everyone. Dinner is ready."

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