The News

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An Albino boy, with Crimson red eyes, was staring at the cherry blossom trees with his best friends. They had gone on a picnic. It was fun. "Hey, Shu!! What are you staring at?" Valt asked. "Well.....look there! That cherry blossom!" Shu said pointing to it.

"Ohhhhhhhhh! Hey, Shu! Look there's someone there". Shu looked to check who it was. As he saw that person, his eyes widened in shock. "Lui?" Shu asked aloud.

"Lui?!!! What is he doing there? Maybe trying to beat the cherry blossom tree in Beyblade?" Honcho joked to which everyone laughed except Shu who was still staring at him. "Something is not right." Shu thought to himself.

Shu had guessed right. Something was not right. Lui looked sad. His flamy hair was not blazing with blue fire like before. His eyes were set to the ground with something running in his mind.

A small tear ran down his cheeks but good that was not visible to the beyclub who were on the other side of the river.  But it was noticed by a certain someone. Suddenly Lui turned towards the side of the Beigoma beyclub.

Red met purple.

Lui noticed that the beyclub was looking at him. He looked at Shu. Shu was standing there looking at Lui. Lui just smiled and walked away.

That was when it hit Shu. Lui didn't give any smirk or that stupid smile he always used to. This smile was sweet with no anger and annoyance. "What had got into him? Not that I mind but...... something seems off." Shu thought.

After Lui left the place, he was glad the beyclub didn't see him crying, especially Shu. "Shu was staring at me earlier. Wonder if he saw me cry. He better not." Lui thought as he reached his home. As soon as he reached home, all he heard was the noises of his mom and dad fighting.

Lui couldn't take this anymore. They were the only reason he cried. They were the only reason he got humiliated. They were the only reason he became a cold Monster.....


"Mom! Where are you guys going? Can I come too?" A 5 years old kid asked his parents. It was none other than The Lui Shirosagi. "No! Sorry Lui! We're busy! You can't come so stay here ok? We'll be back next week!" His parents said as they left him, alone.

Lui was sad. He couldn't believe his parents left him for 1 whole week, alone. So he started to cry. He cried and cried and cried. This even caused the bullies in his kindergarten to bully him. He was humiliated in front of the whole class and everyone called him a "cry baby".....

Flashback over.......

Lui didn't want to be like this, so he changed. He changed into someone cold. Someone who rejected Friends. Someone who hurts others so that he could be happy.

And Shu Kurenai, the Beyblade prodigy was also one of his victims but Lui regrets every single thing he did.............

"I-I know no one would be my friends but I feel like I need some friends and this Kurenai! He has some great friends. Wait! Why am I thinking about him anyways? He is just yet another strong loser. Aaaaaa! What with the strong? He's not strong. He's weak" Lui said to himself but not whole-heartedly.

"That's it! I can't take this anymore. Mom! Dad! I'm going to live alone hereafter" Lui said as he left the house. "At least that brat is gone" his parents mumbled but good Lui didn't hear any. Lui went to an apartment, and good he had a lot of money because of his blading skills.

Shu who saw Lui give him a friendly smile was now lying on his bed thinking about something that felt terrible. He was moving schools.

He didn't want to leave Valt but he had no other choice but to move. "Guess tomorrow is my la-la-last day at the Beigoma academy," Shu said already crying.

And the worst part was that he's moving to Rideout. It is Lui's school. He's dead. Lui's gonna humiliate him even more or at least that's what he thought.......

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