Chapter 18

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Micheals POV:
The door burst open, everyone in the room flinched at the sudden loud, I noticed Tommy grip onto a sword handle which looked to be in a sword handle. I shuffled closer to Tubbo, I didn't want to be face to face with him, he walked in the room as if it was an ordinary day.

"Tubbo! Ranboo! Long time no see!" Dream started off, The two didn't say a word.

"I promise I won't stay long I'm just here to take MY son home" He stated, he then grabbed my wrist and started to pull but I jerked away. Ranboo then stepped forward, Tubbo then grabbed his wrist hard as if he knew what he was thinking, Tubbo looked at him and shook his head signaling 'No', Ranboo then pulled away and stepped closer to Dream.

Dream gave him a sinister smile, Ranboo then punched Dream in the face.

"How could you... you torture me, Tubbo and Tommy in our youth NOW YOU'VE TORTURED MY SON IN HIS!" Ranboo yelled.

By the expressions on everyone's faces I could tell Ranboo wasn't one to yell like that, Tubbo rushed to his side pulling him back, grabbing onto his arm.

Dream walked closer towards us, wiping some blood from his nose. "I appears I have to do this the hard way then" he said pulling out a fully enchanted netherite sword.

I quickly pulled out mine and held it in front of me, I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't want to fight Dream, but apart of me felt that I had to, because these people were my family. Tubbo pulled me back slightly

"Micheal what are you doing?" He asked, I was quiet for a moment I didn't know how to respond.

"I don't know how this will play out, so if it's violent I'm not gonna stand back and do nothing" I explained.

"Micheal, Dream is a lot more powerful then—" I then cut him off "he trained me, he taught me everything he knows" I admitted.

Tubbo looked shocked "okay do what you need to do" he mumbled and gave me a small smile.

"Well well! Ive taught you well" Dream said stepping closer only this time I didn't step back

"Ya that was your mistake" I replied.

"It's one again two really think you can win" Tommy commented putting a hand on my shoulder.

Clementine then came over "Nope team of three, you're doomed green boy" she chuckled

"Actually it's a team of five" Ranboo said as him and Tubbo walked closer hand in hand.

"Aww what an adorable family moment, but Sadly for you I'm not alone" Dream said.

I could hear footsteps coming closer, in walked Mr. Soot and that man with the goggles that I had seen in pictures, which Dream had his arm wrapped around.

"Oh please.. Gogy and the 50 year ghost we can beat that!" Tommy laughed

"I wouldn't understand estimate us Tommy, after all me and Wilbur were the ones who freed Dream, and my name is George stop calling me that" the man named George yelled.

Tommy went quiet and so did Ranboo and Tubbo.

"I guess we're doing this then" Ranboo mumbled

"Ya...I guess we are.." I said back. I gripped my sword tighter then I had been. This is what I was originally trained for so why not use it for good.
Ooooooo Cliffhanger!
Word count: 582

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