?Chapter 15?

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Micheals POV:
Dad had found a new place. A place that seems even further from the the Dream SMP. It was in a nice spruce forest, I will admit the change of scenery was nice. The only down side is that there was yet again a wall around the home, it looked about 10 times bigger then the old one.

"So what do you think Micheal I say it will perfect to continue our training huh?" Dad asked

"Yea it's nice.." I replied. I was gonna have to get used to this again..

"Now you are very behind on things so I'll show you where your room is and you can re read some books and the book of lessons" Dad said demandingly

"Actually Dad I was wondering ya know since it's been awhile since we've been together maybe we can do something..maybe go strip mining..?" I suggested thinking back to my trip with Ranboo

"Strip mining? Micheal please you've never even mined" He spat

"Well actually me and my friend went and he—" Dad then grabbed my shoulder. Harshly.

"Micheal I'm going to make it clear right here right now, I don't want to here anything about your time at that awful place! Besides they aren't your friends not anymore" Dad reminded.

It all came flooding back, I just wanted to forget it happened, I felt awful and I don't even know how I did it.

"Now let's go to your room like I suggested, you need to refresh" He reminded pulling me to my room

"Okay Dad..." I sighed.

The door was locked. Yet again. Things were sadly back to normal, and I hated it. My new room was filled with boxes and books, I wasn't like my old one.. it wasn't like Clementines. The room we shared together. I missed her.

Suddenly I felt tears drip from my eyes, I haven't cried like this in a long time, for the longest time everything I've ever felt is anger. Going to the Dream SMP made me feel, happy, sad, excited, and of course angry, but that was all over now, I was back here and I had to forget it. I had to sit and read books, make potions, and be back to my boring life.

About 2 hours had passed I hadn't picked up a single book, I was looking through boxes instead, I knew I wasn't supposed to but
"Gotta disobey daddy sometimes, it's called living right?"

As I was looking I had come across a letter? It looked to be old, it had my dads name on it. I debated reading it but I decided to do it.
It read;

Dear Dream,
This will be my last letter to you. It's not because I hate you or I resent you no no, it's because tonight is the night, the night me and Wilbur brake you out, the plan is all ready so all you have to do it sit tight. Cant wait to see you again, I know our friends would be disappointed with me and my actions, but they won't ever know, once you find a place to stay send me a letter of the address so I can visit ya?

From, GeorgeNotFound

P.s I have the potion ready just give it to the kid and he won't remember a thing

I froze reading that last part. What was he talking about? Was the kid he was talking about me? And what does he mean by not remembering anything?! This scared me I don't know why but it did the context of this letter was making me uneasy. I quickly reached back into the box I had pulled the letter out from, I pulled out an empty potion bottle with a label

"Memory loss potion"

I began to hyperventilate something about all of this wasn't right, the potion the letter everything it was all so messed. Deep down I knew what had been done but I didn't want to believe it. Dad wanted me to forget something, something important, so he gave me that potion somehow.

I took some deep breaths trying to calm myself down, I had to remember, I had to remember what Dad made me forget. Then it clicked, that's what the scary voice said in my dream! My dreams have been telling me things this whole time! My dreams were showing what I had forgotten!

In my moment of glory I could hear foot steps coming up the stairs to my room, I quickly stashed the letter and the empty potion bottle in my backpack I had been carrying around for almost a week

"Micheal I— where are your books?" Dad asked

"Oh! I um.. I need new ones.." I lied

"New books? Why?" He asked again, suddenly an idea popped in my head

"Well new potions book to be specific, I've already done the basics so I'm looking for something more challenging!" I lied

"Oh.. well in that case I have the perfect thing! You can study my advanced potions book, most of these aren't even regular potions they are new recipes" Dad explained

"Well that's perfect!" I said with a small smile.

Perfect now I can find an antidote for the memory loss potion.

As soon as Dad left the room I quickly opened the book and started rapidly flipping through pages trying to find the potion, there had to be one, there just had to be, I kept flipping until I came across two pages that looked to be glued together, I laughed at this, this was Dads best plan at hiding this? I pulled the pages to reveal you guessed it the memory loss potion ingredients and on the next page was the antidote.

'Great! Okay now I have to get he ingredients without Dad questioning anything' I thought to myself, I then had the brilliant idea of finding two or 3 potions that contained the ingredients I needed.

My plan was basically fool proof, over the next 2 days Dad went out and got all the ingredients I needed, and he wasn't suspecting a thing!

"Now just to make this potion..and then I'll remember.." I said aloud with a sneaky smile.
Word count: 1043

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