?Chapter 10?

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Micheals POV:
I was running.. I don't know where or what from but I was running... "Micheal...." Someone said with a sketchy voice "Who's there?!" I yelled out "You need to Remember Micheal... you must remember.." it said, Remember what?! "What am I supposed to remember?!" I called out. No answer. Then suddenly it's all I could hear.

"Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER

"AHHH" I yelled as I jolted awake once again. How many time is this gonna happen.. "Oh! Your awake you alright kid?" A man with Half white and half black face asked "I'm okay...bad dream.." I replied "Well that's good, you passed out on our door step not used to the cold?" He asked "Haha not really no.. it doesn't ever snow where I'm from" I laughed. Then it all came flooding back, the dreams, these people, there was a connection that I just couldn't wrap my head around, "Excuse me sir? This is going to sound crazy but...have i been here before or have I met you and your friend before?" I asked, this was so embarrassing, "Haha I don't think so kid.. why do you ask" He replied "Well it's just you people this town everything seems so familiar but for some reason I just can't remember why.." I said "I get it.. in my youth I had memory issues they've gotten better but I still forget things.." he replied "I'm Ranboo by the way you're Clementines friend Micheal correct?" Ranboo asked "Um ya.." I replied with a confused look on my face "She was telling us all about you when you were passed out.. she doesn't have many friends her age so she's excited" He said. Huh me and Clementine aren't so different after all.. "well I don't have any friends so I guess I'm excited to?" I said as I stood up, "well you should be anyways it's late you best be getting home, you're staying with Clem right?" Ranboo asked "Ya I am..did she leave already?" I asked "Ya she did I can help you home if you want" He offered "No it's alright I can find my way back.." I said as I made my way for the door "Alrighty then good meeting you kid" he called out.

It got darker quicker then expected, turns out Mr.Innit lived farther away then I thought it was a very long walk. As I was making my way back I walked passed the prison, I thought about my Dad..he had been in there although I'm still unsure as to why as I stared a felt someone grab my shoulder, I jumped and quickly turned around to see a man, he had messy brown hair with a white streak, he wore glasses and looked to be quite old. "Impressive building huh kid" He said "U-uh ya it's..it's neat" I said, I was clutching onto my bag for dear life, this guy was freaky, he had this very unsettling energy to him, "The name is Wilbur, Wilbur Soot it's a pleasure" He said holding out his hand for me to shake "I'm Micheal.." I said hesitatingly shaking his hand, I then quickly pulled away "So where are you from? I've never seen you around before.." Wilbur said with an intense stare "I'm from far away..also of course you've never seen me I'd rather drop dead then be here.." I snapped trying to act defensive, "Well then why are you here?" He asked "Cause my home was destroyed and I got lost so I'm waiting for my Dad to find me, a long time ago he was in there.." I said "Hmm interesting.. I knew that place wouldn't hold up forever he should've listened to me, also heaven forbid he got a kid.." Wilbur said almost as if he was talking to himself, "Pardon?" I was confused what was this lunatic talking about "Me and your father, we are close friends, I helped him get out of that prison cell..well not entirely" Wilbur responded. I then thought back to what Clementine said..

"Mr Innit says that Mr.Soot should be in there for setting him free"

"Wilbur Soot..he was dead for the longest time then he brought him back to life, things were okay for awhile then he broke out of prison, Mr.Innit says he knows Wilbur did it but there was never any proof so he continues to walk free"

So she and Mr.Innit were right, "How was there no evidence?" I asked, Wilbur looked at me in almost fear? Disgust? I couldn't tell but it wasn't a good look "That's none of your business, your father wouldn't want you getting to curious you know.." he reminded, Dad hated how curious I was sometimes. "You know you shouldn't go around saying he is your father.. they'll question you until your ears bleed" Wilbur said "ya..I'm aware" I responded, he then grabbed me by the shoulders and brought me close to his face "and don't you be telling anyone about anything I told you tonight..understand?" I just nodded my head "Hey!" A familiar voice yelled
It was Tommy.
"You get the fuck away from him you sick bastard" Tommy yelled pulling me behind him, "Relax Tommy we were just having a friendly chat weren't we Micheal?" Wilbur asked "Yea..it was just a chat everything is fine" I tired to reassure him "Fine..but I don't want you anywhere near this kid again got that Will?" Tommy yelled "Crystal clear Tommy..have a good evening now" Wilbur said as he walked back off into the darkness. "Come on Micheal let's go..Clementine was worried about you" He said grabbing my wrist "Oh..sorry I got lost.." I replied "Don't do it again your gonna get yourself killed" we then arrived back and went to sleep, I sighed as I layed there "God Dad please come and get me soon.." I pleaded.
Sorry I'm a day late; things have been busy
Word count: 1021

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