?Chapter 9?

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Micheals POV:
"Come on Tommy your gonna love him he's adorable" I heard the small man with horns say "Big man I know he's your son now but you know I hate kids" The blind replied "Oh shush, Tommy meet Micheal, think of him as...your nephew! You're like an uncle now!"
"Am not! Never will be!"
"Oh yes you are, isnt that right Micheal..



I gasped as I sat up from my bed, what was that dream..and WHAT IS THAT AWFUL SOUND, I looked over to see Clementine giggling "I got him good now haha!" She said, I was beyond confused "CLEM! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CHANGING MY ALARM!" Mr.Innit yelled from his room. "What's going on?" I yelled "I changed Mr.Innits alarm again to Bruno Mars!" She yelled back, I was very confused. Suddenly it was quite again, finally god my ears! "So sleep well?" Clementine asked "Um ya it was alright, I'd rather be in my own bed though" I replied, "ya ya I get it don't worry your Dad will be here soon then you can go back to your boring life" she replied getting up out of her bed, was she right? Was my life boring? I mean I never go anywhere I never do anything I would consider fun.. maybe my life is boring..


Me and Clementine were outside her house, Mr.Innit went somewhere so it was just the two of us. "So...what now?" I asked "Hmmm.. I got it! Let's go have some real fun! Follow me" She replied getting up off the ground, I quickly ran after her. We ended up at this big house that was near the prison it was quite nice, Clementine went to open the door but I stopped her "What are you doing?! This is breaking an entry!" I whispered "Relax pig boy this is how you have fun now come on watch and learn" She replied with a smug look, opening the door, she then lead me to a small corner behind some bushes "Okay. This is Badboyhalos house, he lives here with Skeppy and Bad HATES swearing so naturally we mess with him" Clementine explained, she then took a deep breath "FUCK!" She yelled. I sat there shocked "HEY LANGUAGE! SKEPPY WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" A man who I am guessing is Bad yelled "IT WASN'T ME!" A man replied back "Go on give it a try" Clementine yelled. I took a deep breath "SHIT!" I yelled, woah...that was..fun, I smiled to myself "SKEPPY!" "BAD ITS NOT ME!" Me and Clementine started to laugh, I'll admit messing around is fun! "Oh my muffins CLEMENTINE!" Bad shouted "We've been caught RUN!" She yelled, I panicked and followed her as we ran out the front door "I'm sorry people I've never met!" I yelled as we made a break for the front door.

"Where are we going now?" I asked as we walked "We are going to SnowChester, Ranboo and Tubbo are fun guys" she explained, suddenly I felt cold air hit my skin, I shivered, it never snowed where I lived but yet this feeling felt...familiar?. We continued to walk until we reached a large house..I froze.

This was the house I had seen in my dreams.. had I been here before? "Clementine...who built this place?" I asked "Oh Foolish did! He's an amazing builder" Foolish...I had heard that name before. Two men then opened the door "Oh hello Clementine!" The taller one greeted, "Hi Ranboo!" She replied.. I'd seen him too.. what was going on? Why had I seen these people I had never met in my dreams? A smaller man then appeared behind the taller man who's name was Ranboo "Oh hey Clem! Who's your friend you got here?" He asked "Oh this is Micheal, Micheal this is Ranboo and Tubbo" I nearly passed out. These were the people I kept seeing, I suddenly remembered a moment in my childhood.. that picture.. that was them?! I stared to breath heavy what is going on?! "Is he okay?" Ranboo asked Clementine "I-I'm not sure Micheal you—"

Everything went black.
Word count: 711

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