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Alberto POV:

I woke up with a start as I hear Massimo's voice booming from the kitchen. "Alberto! Breakfast!" He shouted. I swung my legs over the bed and walked to the kitchen where a stack of pancakes was waiting for me. 

"Mornin' Massimo" I greeted him while wiping my eyes sleepily. "Morning" He greeted over the sizzling of a new pancake. 


Breakfast was quite awkward. Both of us still dwelling over Guilia and Luca leaving.

I was walking through the center of Portorosso watching both the people and the scenery nearby.

The sound of the rushing waves, the laughing children and the light breeze that flew by was all so calming to me. It was calming to a point where I had forgotten about my problems for a brief moment.

Then there he was.


I run up to him and I tap him on the shoulder, he turns back and looks surprised to see me. "Oh hey Alberto" I look up at him still panting from running, "H-Hey Oliver" I managed to get out despite my shortness of breath. He let out a laugh as he put my arm around his shoulder as he led me towards some steps for me to sit.

I finally catch my breath after a while. "So Oliver, are you new here? I haven't seen you around until last night" I ask him what was lingering on my mind, "No actually. I had moved away for a while because of my dad's work but I moved back here after a while" He replied. "Wait did you come here alone?" I ask quite shocked in all honesty, "Yep! I have a small little house but its not in the town. Wanna see?" He asked with excitement in his voice. "Sure!"

With that we ventured off to see Oliver's house. Was it like a hut? Perhaps it was more of a cabin. But what I saw was completely unlike anything I had imagined.

His house was made out of a cave.

With a wooden door and a few small chiseled holes by the side with glass planted inside it seemed. "Woah" I say in awe. "Cool huh? I carved the windows and entrance out a little and bought some materials with my allowance but yeah, my home" He said with a proud smile plastered onto his face. "Shall we go in?" He asks after a while, noticing my hanging jaw, "W-A-Yea- Sure if its alright with you!" I shout in happiness. He chuckles and opens the door. 

The inside was furnished with a medium sized couch, a wooden dining set and kitchen with a queen sized bed which was all separated with a few walls of stone. There was even a TV mounted on the wall in front of the couch

"Well? How is it?" Oliver asked as I looked around his house in absolute astonishment. "Its... Amazing! I don't know what else to say" I exclaim, "All of the furniture was my dad's old one, he said that I could have it" Oliver said while motioning to said furniture. He flopped down on the couch and turn on the TV and started flipping through channels to find one that he liked. I just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Well? You gonaa sit down or what?" He said with a smirk, "Oh- Pfft sorry, just admiring the place" I said as I jumped on the couch and folded my legs in until I was sitting cross-legged on the couch.


About a few hours had passed and we were just watching some weird mystery film. I was laying down on Oliver's stomach as he pet my head slowly. 

I didn't really mind. I was just enjoying the company while it lasted.

"Oh come one!" Oliver shouted in frustration, "It was so obvious!" I laughed at his antics. Oliver was a funny, interesting and smart guy, taller than me by just a little. His jawline was refined and he had beautiful, light hazel eyes. Overall he was quite handsome.

I blushed as he caught me staring at him. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm in love with Luca but he isn't here right? He might find someone else while over there. What so bad about me being with Oliver for the time being?

Oh well. 

"Hey O-" I was cut off as he pulled me into a deep kiss. I melted into it as his soft lips met mine, I deepened the kiss and after a few minutes we pulled away from air.

"S-Sorry. What was it you wanted to say Alberto?" He asked with a visible blush on his face, "Nothing. Nothing at all" I replied as I stared into his beautiful eyes. We watched the rest of the movie cuddling with each other until we both fell asleep. 

Love you Oliver.

Reunited (On Hold) [Luca x Alberto fan fiction]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin