Breakfast And A Cold

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Alberto POV
       The last time me and Luca had some time just to ourselves was... I think at least a few weeks ago. I wanted to be with Luca alone, just us two. I went up to Luca's house and knocked on the door lightly, the door slowly opens revealing a sleepy Luca. "Oh hi Alberto" Luca says sleepily "Morning sleeping beauty " I teased, "You should get some more rest we have a long day ahead of us" "But I want to hang out with you" "You will you will, but first you need rest" I carried him bridal style to his room, receiving 'good mornings' from Luca's parents, and plopped him on his bed. "Alberto I won't sleep if you won't cuddle with me" Luca said angrily, I sigh and get in the bed with him. Luca wraps him arms around my body and buries his head in my chest, I can feel the warmth of his breath on my stomach and I can see that he slowly falls asleep. After I'm sure he really his asleep, I slip out of his grip and head down to the kitchen to try and make breakfast. I've seen Massimo make pancakes before so I wanted to try them out myself.

Luca POV
       "Mmmm..." I shifted uncomfortably, "Cold" I opened my eyes and see that Alberto is gone, so that's why I was so uncomfortable. I rub my eyes and slowly make my way down to the kitchen, I see my mom along the way and she smiled at me, "Morning Luca" "Morning mom where's Alberto?" "He's in the kitchen" My mom turned to look in the direction of the kitchen. "Thanks" I said as I walked off, I see Alberto cooking something and I pulled a seat out, Alberto turnsm around and smiles. "Morning" he walks over with a plate of pancakes and syrup, he plants a small kiss on my forehead and sets the plate down in front of me. "Thanks" I say before I dig into the dish, Alberto sits beside me looking at me like I'm some scientific discovery. I laugh, "Here open your mouth" He opens his mouth and I feed him some of his pancakes, "Could use more syrup" "No no it's perfect" I finish up and place the dishes in the sink, "Anything for you" Alberto lifts my face to look at him and gives me a long kiss. "Mmm!!" I push Alberto away, "A-ah! Whats wrong?" "Air" I say in between breaths. Alberto rubbed his neck "Sorry" "It's fine it was just kind of sudden y'know" He nods, "Anyways what did you want to do today?" I ask him "Uhhh we could just stay indoors today if that's fine with you?" "Sure! I'm not really in the mood for adventures today" I walk over to the living room and turn on the tv.

Alberto POV
       I follow Luca into the living room and I grab his waist and pull him down on the couch with me he puts on an action movie and we just cuddle while watching it. Halfway into the movie we hear a knock on the door, "Come in!" Luca shouts, Giulia opens the door and she closes it behind her as she walks towards us. "What are you two love birds up to?" "Just watching a movie, we don't really feel like going out today" I tell her, "Anyways just to remind Luca that school is coming up soon so you should get packing ahead of time" She says "Oh also we should do something big the day before we leave!" "Yeah we should" Luca agrees and I nod. Giulia left and we continued watching the movie, it was pretty good the main character was in some kind of bank heist, the movie ended with him and his team going on a cruise. Maybe I'll bring Luca on one of those, wonder if he'll like it. Luca fell asleep again, I carry him bridal style into his room and I lay him on his bed, he shifted slightly and I see that he is sweating a lot. I didn't know what to do so I ran to Massimo and asked him what was wrong, he told me it was some sort of human thing where they get some sort of virus or something, he handed me some bottles of stuff and some syringes and told me to give Luca some of it. I go to Luca's room and he is still asleep, his shirt is drenched so I wanted to take it off to change it, I find a shirt in his closet and I turn to Luca. I blush madly as I put my hand in his shirt and began taking it off, after it was off I was still blushing  and I decided that it would be better if he was topless. I look at the now shirtless Luca and blush even more as I studied his body, he was quite fit but skinny, I shook my head and I shook Luca awake. "Luca you have a cold Massimo asked me to give some of this to you" I gave him all the liquids and one of them made him stick his tongue out "Bitter" was all he said. "You should get some rest it will help" "A-alright b-but where did my shirt go?" "O-oh well you see you were sweating a lot a-so I thought it might be better if you didn't have it on" He blushes "And I was right, you look better shirtless~" I tease "A-Alberto! Stop" Luca pulled the cover to cover his body I yank the cover off as I get in bed with him I smirk and I give him a kiss. I thought that maybe it was better if I also took some of that liquid stuff to be safe so I did. "Alberto?~" Luca calls "Hmm?" "You've seen me shirtless before but I haven't seen you!" Luca sticks his hand up my shirt and I yelp "L-Luca stop!" He doesn't and he manages to get the shirt off of me he blushes madly "O-oh" "What is it?" "I- I thought you were hot before but now..." I give him puzzled look as I see him mouth hanging open.

Luca POV
       W-woah Alberto was so hot. I admired his body his fit body with abs I slowly place my hand on his chest, "I'm so glad I'm dating you" "Im glad I'm dating you too Luca. You are the sweetest, nicest and cutest boy I've ever seen" "And you are the hottest, coolest and adventurous boy I've ever seen Alberto Scorfano" I pull him into a long kiss. I pulled him into the bed and he was on top of me, he pulled away and smiled he flopped down beside me I cuddled into his chest "I might just want to go to school just for this" "That's good then I want you with me." We slowly drift off to sleep. 12

Hmmm do you guys like them being together?
If you do then 😏😏😏 have I got a big surprise for you

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