13: Defeat the Boss!

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Rozari was getting distracted by the Frenzy Boars and Stinging Wasps being in the labyrinth, luckily Arisa was beside her, as she slowly powered through to the boss room. Rozari noticed these weird plants growing on small patches of grass in the labyrinth, which looked like weeds; as she raced past, running deeper in the labyrinth. Rozari lost track of Kirito and Asuna, in the first stances. of the labyrinth.

Hand on her sword she removed it from the sword sheath and slashed the frenzy boar twice before it vanished into pixels. Rozari launched over and made her sword go through the stinging wasp. she then jumped back and turned to slash another Boar, before she raced to the next area of the labyrinth.  Arisa followed after Rozari. 

Rozari noticed Kiyoko and Reiri, ahead of them, cutting down a few of those plant-like weeds. They even glowed green for a short while. Arisa jumped aside before getting hit by a stinging wasp. 

Rozari felt the tinged of being hit. She leaped, twisting her body. Her sword sliced the stinging wasp, right through it, in the process of getting out of the way.

Kiyoko overheard Rozari's call of the wild when she turned she spotted Rozari checking her menu to see her health bar. Arisa was beside her. 

"Rozari, need any help?" she asked walking up to her. Reiri was hanging back, near the wall of the labyrinth.

Rozari, looked up at Kiyoko, with a frown as she approached her and Arisa. "well, a stinging wasp was approaching us... I managed to dodge it, but-" she pointed at Rozari's menu.

Rozari closed her menu. "yeah, you know you could have warned me, Arisa"  she crossed her arms.

Arisa was about to open her mouth. However, Kiyoko responded to Rozari, with advice. "you might want to cut down those plant-like weeds. They are quick and easy if you want to heal yourself fast enough." she advised 

"oh... that's what those are for?" she replied, looking over at those growing-glowing plants.

"you might want to also save your emergency potions.." suggested Kiyoko.

Rozari glanced sharply over toward her. "I already know that" dashing over toward the nearest plant, as she unsheathed her blade, slashing one of them in half, part of the plant-filled her health bar and the rest went to her emergency potion storage.

Rozari smiled. "now let's actually head to the boss room.. we don't want to hold up Diabel, now do we?" placing her Azure Sky Blade back in its sheath. that was across her shoulder.

Kiyoko nodded rapidly, turned around and raced ahead to the remaining sections left that headed to where everyone was waiting for the players to arrive, that was outside of the Boss room. Rozari grinned as she and Arisa raced off after Kiyoko and Reiri.

They avoided the remaining stinging wasps and frenzy boars, that were in the last section. As they turned to see Diabel waiting near the big door. He raised his chin noticing Rozari, Arisa, Kiyoko and Reiri slowed their pace and reached the group.

He left his position from leaning against the labyrinth wall. "great we are all here, once this door is open, the fight with the boss will commence" 

Diabel spoke, walking to the center of the group, and glancing at the door motioning his right arm, behind them; as he faced the raid unit. "once we enter, I wish the party to take their positions" 

Rozari walked over to Kirito. hearing Diabel going over the final reports, about the boss Illfang the Kobold Lord that said to have changed its weapons, when it half of its Hitpoints are low, and he explained more like warned when the boss changed its Axe to the weapon that he mentioned that was in the guide. Rozari bit back her lips. she should tell him... yes she should... however she doesn't want to be the one who will get bashed on for being known as a beta tester... by Kibaou... 

she glanced at the brown-haired male, standing not far off of Diabel with his party members, beside him. 

Rozari's breathe was caught in her throat, as Diabel moved toward the big doors, and he pushed against the doors, followed by the others as it's opened. "let's go" 

Rozari followed with Arisa nearby. Kiyoko and Reiri were behind them. she glanced toward Kirito, as he joined with Asuna shortly ahead of him.

As the big door opened up, the room was dark, before the raid members spotted it lit itself up and then Rozari spotted Illfang sitting on the throne upon the stairs at the far end of the massive boss hall. 

Rozari gulped. lifting one hand to grasp ahold of her blade, waiting for Diabel's orders. Illfang was over two meters tall, muscular, covered in red fur and had bloodthirsty, copper-red eyes and once he faced the raid party members, near the door. 

He stepped down the stairs, ever so slowly. Diabel removed his sword from his side and pointed toward the boss. "Attack!"

All of the party members drew their weapons and launched forward to attack. Rozari bit back her lip, before launching after Arisa. Illfang clashed his Axe as well as moved the leather shield to stop attacks from the raid members. 

Weapons clashed, right at the beast. By each of the hit points that have been depleted, Three of the rune Kobold Sentinels have started to appear, to distract the players from the boss itself. Some of the support members moved away to knock down the Kobold Sentinels. 

"Kirito, if we keep this, up it won't be long until the boss switched weapons" responded Rozari leaping back to stand near Kirito. Asuna looked up to Rozari and Kirito. 

"it should keep on using Bone Axe. like the idiot it is, we should still be careful..." he nodded toward Rozari.

"Move the main party and surround it! Avoid the swings and Proceed" ordered Diabel. "we've got this covered"

"got it" Kibaou 

However, before anyone could move forward. Illfang roared and removed its secondary weapon. Rozari's and Kirito's eyes shot alert. wait no... that's not right... that sword... thought Rozari in her head, she glanced at Kirito, his eyes went wide speaking her thoughts out loud.

she looked at Arisa who was standing beside Reiri. Kiyoko's eyes also went huge, frightened for Diabel and herself. Rozari caught Kiyoko trying to reach out for Diabel, whispering a name softly almost begging him not to fight. 

 "wait!! that's not a Talwar! that's a Nodachi!"Kirito yelled. 

Rozari was frozen as she watched the main party launch themselves at the target. no one was paying attention to Kirito's screams. 

"Stop, fall back! it is using a different sword skill! fall back now!" 

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