10: Raid Meeting

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As dawn sets upon Aincrad, Rozari found herself getting up from the bed, she didn't bother sleeping, because clearly, her subconscious has the opacity to remain awake, however, she tried to nap a bit. 

"Okay, time to get a move on to the Amphitheatre to see what Diabel has to say" she grinned putting her Azure Sky Blade on her back again, before leaving the room she stayed in.

Along the way to the Amphitheatre she met up with her partner Arisa, who looked down or seem tired, did she not sleep through the night? although that seems pointless in the game, she wanted to ask her what's troubling her, but she chose not to ask. I'm sure Arisa has her right from keeping things from me...

"Let's get going, to the Tolbana Amphiteatre?" she spoke to her.

Arisa nodded, in agreement and both girls went to the amphitheatre, for the raid meeting. On the way, Rozari noticed Kiyoko and Reiri in the clearing as they were trying to find the amphitheatre. Rozari couldn't resist but to wave in their direction, but also grin spontaneously at Kiyoko... thinking of her conversation between Diabel and her.

"Kiyoko? Reiri? hey?" she called out to the familiar players who look lost.

Reiri turned her attention to who she was being called and she noticed Rozari's black hair with Arisa nearby. "oh hey?" as she got Kiyoko's attention, by grabbing her friend's arm to look on over.

"need help finding the amphitheatre? just follow us!" responded Rozari calmly at the blue-haired girl and blonde-haired girl.

"oh yes, thanks Rozari" spoke Kiyoko as she raced up with Reiri by her side. 

Rozari blinked. She picked up speed and raced off with Arisa and the two players behind her. Kiyoko, you will surely be surprised who is holding this meeting... you too Diabel... Rozari didn't bother to speak about the friend, she met last night.


In the Amphitheatre, the four players halted noticing a very little crowd of players sitting or standing around for the meeting to the start, Rozari noticed Kirito walking down to find an empty seat, which was easy; she pulled Arisa along 


"Rozari, I'm glad you made it?" he felt relieved noticing a familiar face.

"Yeah, I like Diabel's idea in aiding a group to do boss fights.." she spoke to herself

"even if I can manage to do the boss myself, I just think this might be worth it," he said 

Rozari frowned sitting down next to Kirito. Arisa sat beside her. Rozari spotted Diabel down below working on his first statement. However, she suddenly heard a gasp, from up above. Most of the players either arriving late or already sitting nearby her looked up to the top of the amphitheatre. 

Upon rising her head to look at whoever gasped, Kirito followed Rozari's gaze as well, he even spotted the hooded girl, slide past Kiyoko and Reiri who was on the second step to sit opposite of where Kirito and Rozari was.

Rozari spotted Kiyoko standing still her gaze fixated on the blue-haired guy at the very bottom. she stood very still as it seems to shock her. she noticed her lips move, as she spoke a name her eyes were wide. However, Rozari couldn't make out the name Kiyoko said, as her friend Reiri jotted her out of her daydream in the reality of the game.

Kiyoko shook her head carefully mentally telling herself that he couldn't be the man she has felt compassion for and cared for in the real world before Reiri led her to a spot to sit with her, side by side. Rozari noticed tears rolling down Kiyoko's cheeks, as it looks like she crying happy tears as both of the girls walked past, in the process.

Rozari smirked it seems, that Diabel's was right all along... I think Kiyoko might be this Yurisa Nagashima girl...

It wasn't long until the raid meeting started, Rozari looked at Kirito; before at Diabel again.  It wasn't surprising, honestly, barely any players have ever chosen to come... she was sure that most of the players in sword art online were too scared... She closed her eyes briefly before sighing aloud.

Opening her eyes again, she looked directly at Arisa who was in the tune with her thoughts as well, or she is in her own world.

"Thank you for coming, I'm Diabel-" he paused noticing one of the players sitting in the amphitheatre's ledges, her long blonde hair spotted in his direction, his voice caught in his throat, Yurisa... is that you?  He coughed clearing his voice, from getting distracted right focus Diabel... focus...

"The Job I enrolled as Knight," he momentarily joked proudly hitting his chest plate, smiling

The players stared at him confused like he was insane or wanting him to move onto the real topic at hand, some players chuckled in the crowd. As Rozari looked around her, hearing chuckles as Diabel mocked the system.

"There is no job system, in this game-" one of the few players spoke up.

Kiyoko made a slight giggle, remembering how her beloved boyfriend used to joke about the beta version of SAO, one of which reasons how he inspired her to get the game for herself, once it's fully out. Reiri never found it funny, as that she raised her hand to silence Kiyoko beside her and blinked at Diabel's joke.

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