Power Boost P.2

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So the plan Sari had was of course dangerous and so damn risky, which O.P literally knew so he he tryed to keep her at bay and away from danger, yet here you are...holding onto Sari and a beam for dear life.

"Relax (Y/N) we are totally safe."

You immediately scoff "Did you forget we could die from up here?Yeah Prowl can fly but us??HA!The moment we fall off we are so dead!"

Sari gives you a blank look, not long taps her chin "I never thought of that..."


By this time Starscream, yes the emo baka jerk, was being distracted by everyone below.This was our queue to the next step of Sari's incomplete bullet proof plan.

"Hold tight!"

Like if you weren't gonna do that at all.The moment Prowl had the two of you he flew up to where the hostages were located.Luckily O.P though fast to keep Starscream from seeing us, threatening to throw his weapon to destroy the decoy he so wants.It worked.

"How in the bloody mary are we gonna get down there-!?"

"Flying!" Sari smushed her face into the glass window, you on the other hand not even looking down at all, soon smiling like an idiot "That's how!"

Prowl sets you on his shoulder "Let's go." not long after grabbing all the hostages.

The only way to get down was to jump...

Sari, for god's sake, pleads you to stay with her. As much as you like to say no this was going to end with her winning so yeah, here you are inside the sub train.

Sari began to tear up "Come on Bumblebee! Come on!" the key of metal was seemingly trying to revive the yellow slug bug.

It was surprising to see that it fucking worked.

"Lady (L/N) we must discuss your--."

"You want your hostages? Well.." Starscream shoots his beam, right as Prowl gets back and tries to help Bumblebee with the falling Sub Train, the shot causing everyone to fall off the building together "Down you go hAHAHA!"



Everything was in slow motion as you succumbed to the loss of gravity. As much as Sari was far from you, clinging onto a pole for life, find yourself twirling around trying to hold your breakfast from coming out your mouth.

So was this how your going to die?

"Lady (L/N) it is your time to shine!"

You literally give Axle the 'WTF DO YA MEAN MY TIME!?' glare as your hands were sealed on your mouth.

Axle huffs "If Sari has a power, you have one too." not long green bolts of energy were around you, not harming you at all, soon sticking to the metal floor with easy "This is a small example so make haste!"

Make haste you fucking did.

Coming fast to where Sari was, screaming her tiny head off, you grab her.She was hella confuse but kept on screaming bloody murder.Now you need to find a way out-.

"Woah!Can all she's do that?"

Oh my god your saviour has arrIVED!

"Nope just learned of it just a moment ago." the next thing you did was hand Sari to Bee "Now take this troublesome child out of here!!"

Sari, like the child she is, didn't even like the idea.

"Oh come on Sari, who won't fall for this cute lovely face?~" Bee choose, which was successful cause Sari finally let him save her.

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