Power Boost P.1

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To say that my day, yes the very next day, is going amazingly yet that's a complete understatement.So let's start with the very beginning shall we?

"Last night a building complex was set on fire!Many of those who live in this building made it out yet some were stuck within their floor levels, yet our heros came!The alien robots who we all met earlier has come in on our time of utter need.This is Jamal Fox and here we are reporting live on Detroit square!Once again shower our heroes with gratitude and our thanks for their heroic deeds!"

Yeah, you could see that.You live on a tall extremely homely building complex, which was luckily in your money range, criss cross apple sauce on your balcony.Clearly watching the ceremony all over again from the other day.But this time out from your lovely abode.

That was till your headphones began to go haywire, like, glowing like a disco ball at a 70's party for edgy ghetto teens.

"Now you wanna do something?" You get up, seemingly getting blind at the light, not long it fades away like the sound of light, confusing the fuck out of you "What the fuck?Are you attention starved or something??"

Why did you expect to hear a reply back, it wasn't even alive-.

"You got a rather foul mouth Lady (L/N)."

To say you didn't throw it was a understatement, you YEETED that bitch at your sofa.All you hear is a muffled 'OOF!' as your over here thinking your anti-social ass is loosing your mind.

"Please do refrain from throwing me around, I am not a toy for you to destroy for your pleasure."

"I'm going insaneee!" Your breathing was uneven, soon walking away, mind running everywhere "I'm gonna call Sari and ignore what happened a few seconds ago-!"

"I assure you Lady (L/N)." You knew you yeeted that bitch across the room but here it was, around your neck, glowing every time it spoke "You are not going crazy, yet do me a favor and keep me on you 24/7.I'm more useful then you think."

You give it a stink eye "Yeah, for music hoe."

"So that's what you call those various melodious tunes?..Intresting..But do tell me, what is this so called 'hoe' word you speak of??"

Clearly, though it was technically technology but more advanced then before, is not so smart after all..How suprising is that?

You sigh, clearly done with everything right now, then step out to watch the ceremony a few blocks away "So...do you have a name or do I gotta pick a random ass word from the dictionary?"

"My name is Ďəþïæ."

What the fuck?How the hell can you even spell that, is there an english version!?

You palm your face, loosing patience "No..Just..no." not long you picked a random name that first comes to mind, soon leaning back to feel the breeze "Your name is Axle if you hate it might as well like it!"

"Axle?" it hums, not long seems to enjoy the new name "I like it.Thank you Lady (L/N)."

Before you could say anything else did you barely make a dodge from being crushed to a pulp by a unknown object.Not long after it pass did you look up to see star spangled banner bot being thrown around like a rag doll by a two year old...with a emo looking ass robot who can seemingly fly.

"Lady (L/N) you must hide-!"

"LIKE HELL I AM!" You rushed over to put on your shoes, not long out the door and scrolling madly through your contacts "SARI ATTRACTS TROUBLE BUT SHE IS IRREPLACEABLE!!"

"But Lady--!"


And he finally did as told..

It took you, which felt way too long, two minutes to get out your home building and running to where Sari told you she was located at.Once you arrived did you realize you need to get yourself back into shape, you felt weak in the knees and lungs burning hard with exhaustion.

Sari didn't see you, for she was worried for her new robot alien friends below, yet her father noticed your appearance immediately once you were gathering your long needed breaths.

"Ah!It is good to see you are alright dear-...are you okay?"

"Oh I'm *pant* just p-peachy doc."

Wishing you had a little more time to relax and breathe did the big emo flying baka robot fly above you all, smirking evily down at you all..mostly  you and Sari.


And everyone did.As fast as you all can you all ran into the sub train.It amazed you at how much energy you had left as your literally dodge laser gun shots of doom shot at all of you.


One foot in the sub train did you turn around to realize Sari was in the line of fire, barely making it out alive.At this moment you knew she wasn't going to make it so you ran out the sub train, grab her hand, and swing her with all your might out of danger.

Yet now that she's safe, what about you?


Eyes widened in horror and shock as the yellow bot, Bumblebee, leaps in front of you and took the final shot to the back.He sacrificed himself to save a human like you.Not long went limp once his body clashed onto the ground.Unconscious immediately.

"BUMBLEBEE!" Sari shouts in horror, running back only for that emo baka to grab him and fly off.

You didn't know what that flying baka emo thing said but all you heard was a mixture of Sari, Prime, and little of Sumdac.Most of everyone around you was put on mute...

Hell, you didn't even notice the emo baka threw Bumblebee into the sub train before flying off with it to the top of a building.

Sari gawked at the situation "We gotta do something!" Not long she was by your side, dragging you away once again "Come on!They need us!"

As she was dragging you to everyone below you slowly came back to your senses.Yet the moment you realize what really happen did you begin to worry for the hostages, mostly Bee.

"-Like a mech once said a machine is more powerful then it's parts.Only that I had to learn the hard way." Drift chips in, dusting himself off.

All the Autobots nod, Sari letting go only to climb up Bulkheads leg, then joins in on the fist bumping.

"Okay, so here's my plan!"

Little did you know that this plan was going to end in turmoil...

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