Chapter Eight : Where are we/you?

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(This is the chapter that is really just sort of filler)

Miffin and Axel were hit in the face..and everyone saw that to make their eyes widen on accident..and the monster grabbed both Axel and Miffin's bodies in front of their siblings...
"GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER NOW!!!"-🍓(Eyes turning red into orange)
"Wait hold on- GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE INKLIN S**T FACE"-🖥 (zooming on his chair trying to go after the black monster).
It was too late...the monster had already left...with their own friends and siblings...while everyone including Bosip,who was leaning against Bob's head and just started to frown as their friends just witnessed Axel and Miffin's own kidnapping..

(Axel and Miffin's perspective..)
After being knocked out...Axel and Miffin woke up and found themselves not only close to each other,but they also had a rope tied around them making them stuck tight,the rope was also very thick.They tried wriggling around to get out but they had absolutely no luck doing so however.They kept trying to break out/wrestle out of the very big tight rope,until the same black figure who had thrown heavy objects at them,entered into the room and smiled with sharp black teeth in its mouth.It stared at Axel and Miffin,who were angry and surprised.
"Psssh...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WOW! You really think I am letting you out idiot!?! ABSOLUTELY NOT!?!"-🕷
"Ughhh! You serious!?! We literally had done nothing to you,"-🧊
"Well...your little friend,Bob had tried to shoot of course I would capture for tried to destroy my you really think I would do nothing in return? NO! I would try and kill you...that's why I went after you,your sister,Amor and Bosip."-🕷(smiling with an evil grin)
"But when you trapped us all in here,WHAT DID WE DO TO YOU!?!?!WE DID NOTHING!"-🧊
"Yeah! We weren't with you at all!"-💎
*evil laughing* well...I just wanted to kill people...but I never expected to get such STUBBORN F**KING PEOPLE LIKE YOU ALL IDIOTS!!"-🕷
The expressions of the monster were changing to fit his emotions and voice tone..which made a Miffin shiver a bit,but wasn't horrified by anything like Axel.."Ta Ta~ See you never noobs!~"-🕷
Axel hissed at the mention of those words,while the Black monster just smirked at him in evil..leaving Miffin and Axel trapped in a single room..but then Miffin broke the silence.. "I think I can get us out.."-🧊

(With Bosip and everyone else).
All of them stood silent as Axel and Miffin were taken,and eventually out of their sight...Amethyst,who was distraught about her brother's kidnapping,looked at Bosip,who was using his only usable hand to hold Bob's body..eventually Amethyst pondered over and lifted Bob's body off the spike so he didn't look impailed...
*sigh*let's just leave Bob's body here.."-🖥
"I think we should start looking for Axel and my sister,instead of just standing here...because I would rather explore then watch somebody bleed to death and who knows what the Black Monster wants with them both..."-🍓 (Liam was frowning at the things he was saying)
"Okay but..what about Bob..? Are we just going to leave him here...?"-💜
"We don't really need him due to his death,so we can really just leave him behind and do what Liam said.."-🖥
"No...are you insane..?! I am bringing him along..."-🌙
Tears began to form out of Bosip's he couldn't just leave his dearest friend in dusts and forget him forever...he wanted to be with him..even if he wasn't supposed to..

"But why!? We need to..."-🖥
"We can mourn his death later..also I know I might sound insane,but I know he won't be talking to us,but I know he is here mentally...his ghost will be with us...and his body will be with us,even if it can't interact..."-🌙
"Bosip has a point.If we can't talk to Bob physically,he will forever be with us mentally,even as a ghost..."-💜
Bosip wiped off his tears and smiled,hoping to finally not leave his friend's body in the they can mourn it later when they finally find a safe area and they find both Miffin and Axel..Bosip began to slowly put Bob's limp and dead body on his back he also began growing a tail that started to look like a shark tail...and Chris began to take notice..
"Uhh..why do you have a tail Bosip? It is growing and I won't ask.."-🖥

"I think it happens when I start to have very big or deep emotions....anyways let's just keep going.."-🌙
And so they all begin to start walking,not running because they didn't want to get heard by anything that would try to kill them..they walked through mall like areas again,though while they were doing this,Chris started ranting about they had been into these mall like hallways 'like we have been here a million times before' according to him...they then passed through rooms that had detached heads and bloody limbs...but after reaching a hallway that had multiple the middle of the area Liam paused..and began to somehow cry..
"Where are you sis...*sniff sniff* please be safe.."-🍓 (crying tears of sadness and pain..)

Liam felt a hand out on his shoulder..he turned to see Amethyst,who sighed and began to speak in a tone that Axel would probably realise he had never heard she spoke in before...
"Look...Liam...I have seen some of my old friends die in pain and sorrow...some even going missing before their bodies were found..but I still care for them,even if I know I can't physically be with them anymore..I still appreciate the times and fun I had with them,when I could at the time..and I wish you could see the same for you and your sister's relationship right now..but I can't change much of your life,bit I am just saying a bit of emotional advice.."-💜
Amethyst then turned and looked at Chris who nodded in agreement of what she said...then Amethyst then turned back to Liam and tried to comfort him a bit more,despite Liam not looking back at all,but he was secretly smiling at the advice and would take it seriously...

Bosip watched as his friend comforted eachother...he then thought on what Amethyst said about her 'appreciating the times where they had fun with her friends and should respect the times when they all had happiness and fun with them while they did" it made Bosip feel happy for Amethyst but it also made him feel semi-sad.Because he had witnessed Bob's own dead body be in his own eyes,and had secretly loved Bob for so long despite being friends,the words meant so much and touched his heart like somebody stabbed him,square in the chest...Bosip was also surprised that someone could not only comfort someone,but also give some mention that you can still care for your friends and appreciate what they had done for you to make yourself the person you are,even though they didn't say it literally...

(Lol have this angst chapter while I have a break..)
Word count: A whopping amount of 1268

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