Chapter Three : Seperated...and new people...?

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Bob,Bosip and Chris sneaked around the hallway that felt endless...because in reality if any of them want to escape this absurd mess,was by collecting all the seven icons of a Geometric Game.But the big salt in a wound was that all of the icons were fused with a person...but nobody knows who they are or even why the are basically like a random ancestor of a Geometric Cube,UFO,Shark or weird circle things that are just using yellow and medium blue as the colour of the icons....
Bob and Bosip didn't talk to Chris they kept walking....with Chris...however out of nowhere...

[Smokes gets dumped into the middle of the hallway]

Smoke filled the room and the air's breath...Bob became blinded by white and ran through the smoke,unknowingly leaving Bosip and Chris alone..trying to look for a door to get out...but he was all on his own...while not realising that he would be missing and not reuniting with his friends for HOURS THAT FELT LIKE DAYS!!Meanwhile,Bosip and Amor were coughing a lot,due to bad experiences with smoke and foggy rooms...they couldn't see Bob,but thought he was just a little bit of distance away from them and probably in a radius that was close to them..but the smoke began to clear...but when there was no sense of smell or vision of smoke...Bob(💙)was gone..
"Wait...*cough* BOB!?!WHERE ARE DID YOU GO!?!"-🌙
Before Chris could complete the sentence,the floor boards started to tremble...and then..the floor had a hole,which was directly under Bosip and Amor's feet...and in no time at all..they both fell threw...

Bosip,Chris and Chris' own chair...fell down the hole 50 feet down from where the two of them were originally standing,let's just say that it felt like an ABSOLUTE DISASTER! After a few seconds of falling 180 more feet down...they landed,face flat into a pool...Bosip and Chris reached up to the surface above the water...and looked around...and then realised that Bob was not only away from them and missing,but also they had no idea who did this,nor did they know what to do...and stared at eachother in panic...

With Bob💙,he walked around but then turned to see...that Bosip and Chris hadn't seen him leave...he began to panic very badly..and what made it worse...was that he heard both Chris and Bosip scream...and a trapdoor noise...which made the screams get quieter...Bob was in shock and ran as fast as he could to find the place where he was before and where he got separated from his best friend and friend...but when he finally came near,he felt a tentacle grab his leg,AGAIN! He was then dragged into a portal that looked like an ink puddle and looked like he was dying in a black substance that looked like people getting suffocated...until Bob was brought to a huge area that looked like a mall of some sort...but there wasn't really anyone...however Bob did see a few restaurants that had real food...and being the hungry potato Bob was,he stole some food and ate it..but then soon came to a halt someone talked behind his back,physically not mentally..

"Hi..?Uhh..who are you..?"- 🍓(??)
" better not over use your power...because you remember..-"—🧊(????)
"We are both minors,Liam...we need to stick together if we are gonna be stuck down here for a while..because we can really only-"—💎(Miffin)
"Sister what are you-?"-🍓(Liam)

Bob stared at the two kids...being surprised that two other people would be down here..he hoped they weren't dragged down here like he was...while the two siblings,Liam and Miffin stared at eachother wondering who they ran into..
*sigh* uhh..who are you two..? My name is Bob..and I can be sort of annoying...but I can put up a bit of a fight..when I get serious that is.."-💙
"Oh..Hi Bob! My name is Miffin and here is my short brother,Liam*points at Liam and starts giggling hysterically*-🧊
"Whoa...calm down you two..also how and why are you here..?"-💙
"We're trying to get out of here...we have been trapped in here for a week already..."-🧊
"I have a really fuzzy memory of how we are here...we were at a sleepover and then we woke up...and ended up here...lying down on a kitchen floor.."-🍓
"Oh friend Bosip and I were playing Minecraft...and we then decided to call Chris..but when we did call him,we saw a black figure on his face camera,and then we were dragged in by black tentacles.."-💙
"Should we be in a little trio and try and find how to get out of this weird mess..? If you are interested Bob?"-🧊
"'s better then being alone..I guess.."-💙
"Yay..oh and my sister are 10 and 14 specifically...but we have magic to try and protect ourselves...we aren't supposed to say we have magic to anyone..but since we don't have out parents now..we can tell anyone we want!"-🍓
Bob smiled at the two Liam UwUed in happiness and non-seriousness.He was glad to have some friends...and finally not be alone..while trying to look for Bosip and Amor..soon enough the trio began to move away from the restaurant favour of finding a place to hide,while being given Miffin's phone number so they don't loose eachother trying to leave this place of weirdness..

(This is an edited chapter but I thought it would be interesting to add a friend's OC into this..since they were fine with it...they also have a lot of backstory but they will be mentioned into some filler chapters)
Alright,also Bosip and Chris might not be featured next chapter..because it might be about Miffin,Liam and Bob looking around...and finding the main antagonist of this mess...)
Word count: 1072

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