Part 26: Venom

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Everyone smiles softly. Elena then walks forward and releases her lantern. One at a time they all let go of the lanterns and watch as they float up into the sky.

Rosa walks into the classroom and sat in her normal spot in the back. Elena made her some to school today which was definitely a bad idea. She claimed that it would be suspicious to hide out at home, but Rosa thought it would be anything but. That's what she does anyways. Like, when does Rosa ever come to school?

She looked around and saw Stefan look at Elena who was staring at the board. Rosa looked at the board, she could tell that was Alaric's handwriting. She honestly couldn't believe that there wasn't some janitor to clean it up.

The girl was pulled from her thoughts when Rebekah Mikaelson walked into the room handing out fliers. Chipper as ever. Rosa stood up and was about to do something when Stefan shook his head.

Rosa glared at he blonde before reluctantly falling back into her seat. "Morning everyone." She said happily. "So, I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house. Starts at fifth period and goes 'til whenever. Spread the word." Rebekah hands out a fly to Rosa and smirks at her. She whispered, "Klaus misses you."

Rosa didn't answer. She didn't want to lose her temper. She was working on staying calm and if anyone was going to test that it would be Rebekah Mikaelson. Instead she looked down at the flying, crumpled it and threw it at Rebekah's feet and smirked back.

"Oops." Rosa said. Rebekah shook her head and walked back to the front of the class and turned towards Elena.

"You're welcome to join Elena, if you'd like to bury the hatchet." Rebekah told Rosa's sister.

She hands Elena a flyer which Elena takes, "It's a pretty enormous hatchet."

Rebekah rolls her eyes, "Well, I'm feeling generous of spirit."

Elena looks down at the flyer, "New house, huh? Did your brother finally kick you out?"

"He didn't kick me out, I left."

"So you left the only person on earth who actually likes you?"

Rebekah turned to Stefan and smirked, "Well, your boyfriend liked me once." Stefan looks up and Rosa could tell he had been trying to ignore this. "Actually, a lot more than once."

"Why are you still in town, Rebekah?" Stefan asks. "Don't you anywhere else to go?"

"Like hell." Rosa muttered.

"Well, history is my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman...?" She paused and looks at Elena. A smile on her face, "Oh, that's right, I killed him." Rosa stands up from her desk the chair banging into the wall as Elena throws a pencil at Rebekah's face, but the blonde catches it and throws it into Elena's shoulder. Rosa gasped and Elena was definitely surprised.

Elena removes the penicillin from her shoulder and gets up, leaving the class before anyone notices what just happened.

Rosa was about to follow, but Stefan did instead.

Later that day, Rosa, Caroline, Stefan and Elena were sitting outside at one of the tables. Rebekah has been destroying the day and Rosa really wanted to punch someone.

Elena was pacing back and forth and Rosa watched her, getting dizzy. "It was a valiant first day effort. No one will judge you if you want to go home." Caroline said.

"Ooh! Can I go home?" Caroline shook her head and Rosa sighed.

"I don't want to go home. I want to take the white oak stake and kill her. That's how mad I am. She made me murderous!" Elena shouted.

The EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora