Outer Banks "Paradise On Earth."

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Outer banks, Paradise On Earth. Seemed like a lot of  Bullshit to me. Considering the fact I have lived here my entire life. Life on this tiny Island sucks ass, who knows why people come for vacation. Once i get old enough i will gladly be packing a fucking bag and moving to where my true heart resided, a damp wet forest in the middle of fucking no where.

"Jayde," Rafe says, interrupting me from my thoughts once again. He walks over to my bed and flops down next to me.

"What the fuck, Rafe." I say, looking up at Rafe.

He stares down at me with a big grin on his face,"I'm bored," he says, scrolling through his phone.

"That is not my problem, i'm not your fucking babysitter." I say standing up off the bed.

"There's a Kook party and Kegger tonight," Rafe says, "Which one are we going too?" Rafe says looking up from his phone.

"Definitely the Kegger," I say walking over to the dresser, "We have been to way too many Kook parties this week."

"Okay but we are going to Barry's house first to get weed." Rafe says smirking and hopping off the bed.

"Fuck Barry and his laced weed," i say, walking to my bathroom with clothes in my hands, "We are gonna call up JJ and get some of his cousins weed." I say, closing the bathroom door.

Rafe walks over to my dresser and picks up my bucket hat and puts it on his head and then he rolls his eyes.

"That's the good shit," I state, stepping out of the bathroom pointing to Rafe.

"Yeah whatever," Rafe says, posing in the mirror. I walk over and snatch my hat off of his head , revealing his messy blonde hair that was parted in the middle. I stick my tongue out at Rafe, he sticks his tongue out back at me. I walk over to the chair sitting in the corner of my room and pick my tote bag up off the chair.

"Lets go," I say to Rafe, running down the hall. I listen as Rafes footsteps walk slowly behind me, I press JJ's contact on my phone. "Hey JJ."

"Wassup Jayde?" JJ says.

"Would you be able to get an 8th for me, i can come pick it up." I ask, walking out the front door.

"Yeah, you're coming to the Kegger right?" JJ questions.

"Yeah, wbu?" I ask, climbing onto Rafes bike.

"Yeah I'll just bring your shit there." JJ says. I press the big red button to hang up the phone, and slip the bike helmet on my head.

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