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The keep was not at all what I expected. Lanterns were floating in the air and so were people. A small train conveyed people and other stuff across. It was definitely large enough to be an actual city. It looked impossible to be kept secret but the magic made it possible. It was like I got lost in a crowd and began to go sightseeing. Somehow I knew I would never be lost in such a place. Everywhere seemed to lead back to the entrance. The archways and passages where clearly cut through stone. I was sure that it was the work of magic. There was no way that a normal human being could do something so beautiful out of hard stone.

The witches in the keep were moving about their business and I felt out of place for some reason. There wasn't anything distinct about me and no one even paid me much attention but I still felt out of place. I passed a store selling potions and peculiar things, another selling robes, I don't know what for. None of the witches I have seen made use of one. Another sold food and herbs. This was probably the most normal store I had seen so far.

I entered another archway that led to a library. The ceiling of the library was over fifteen feet high. How do they even go up there? I remembered the people and lantern floating in the air earlier. A floating spell maybe? Can I do any of those? I barely knew anything about magic except for what Theodore and Selena taught me and now that I think about it, it wasn't much. I could hold my own in combat but apart from that, I was basically useless. It wouldn't hurt if I stayed at the keep to practice and master my magic. Heaven knows I need all the training I could get if I was going to go searching for my family, plus I didn't want to leach off Theodore's parent. The keep was built to train young witches anyway and I could get a job here if I needed to yes. This was the best cause of action. I couldn't sit on my hands in a lush mansion and wait for someone to come to my rescue, if I need saving, it was important that I save myself.

I made a left turn after leaving the library and entered an arena, it was wide and the roof was cut open. People my age or younger were busy lifting things on fire. This is probably were all the training happen. I sighted Selena white hair at the other end of the arena. Purity was probably gearing up to start practicing. I made my way to them dodging fire balls and flying objects as I want.

'There you are!' Selena exclaimed when I reached her 'I wondered where you ran off to'

'I got lost' I said absent mindedly. My eyes looking at one witch to another as they practiced

'What is all this?' I asked Selena

'Beginners magic training. Young witches who have discovered their power come here to train' I thought witches had their powers from birth apparently they all have to be around seventeen years old for them to practice magic. Purity left our side and joined the rest of the witches. An instructor was putting them through, he moved seamlessly through the students and if I wasn't looking at purity I wouldn't have even seen him.

'Why didn't I join them when you found me?' it has been a question that has been on my mind since I discovered they could do pretty much anything by casting spells. 'You didn't teach me any beginner magic stuff' I tried my best to tone down the accusation but I could sense it in my voice I guess I was still very much sensitive over yesterday. More sensitive than I initially thought.

'You can learn stuff like this anytime. We thought it was better you know how to defend yourself' Selena explained. 'We sensed danger around you'. Her voice was calm, like a stream I was beginning she was using her tricks on me again. I broke eye contact with her and looked at the witches practicing.

'Is purity coming back with us?' I asked Selena. I was still thinking on how to breach the subject about my intention to stay at the keep.

'No, the keep creates accommodation for witches who wish to stay' Selena said. She seemed to be observing the younger witches too. Being an experienced witch she must have passed this stags of her training ages ago. How lucky.

'Is there a caretaker or beneficiary or something?'

'Not really it's hard to explain' Selena said frowning as she was probably thinking of a way to explain it to me. 'Anytime someone decides to stay at the keep the mountain is spelled to create a room for that person'.

'Whoa!' I wonder if there is a room for me already or do I have to say it out or tell the caretakers if there are any.

'There are people in charge though. Call them caretakers if you will. They train and accept new residents'

'Right.' I hope I would be accepted. Staying in Bryce and Janice family mansion was appealing but I really had no interest in living with them at the moment.

'Do you really think it would be alright if I stay here at the keep?' I asked slowly 'to train.' I added quickly afterward when Selena gave me a look. I wasn't sure what was going through her mind.

There was something I was not comfortable about. I didn't like not knowing things I waited for a while before Selena finally spoke.

'Alright by who?' she asked. Peering at me with those eyes of hers that seems to have seen a lot in her short life.

'As for my parents and myself' Selena began her playful tone returned to her 'you can go anywhere as long as you are safe, and comfortable' she smiled and nudged me jokingly. 'I can not speak for Teddy though. He is always sensitive you will have to ask him that yourself'-

I didn't expect to get out easily but I was grateful that Selena wasn't a difficult person. As if on cue, Theodore walked into the arena. His distinctive long black hair gave him away. As always he was dressed like a Goth, eyeliner, jacket and boots. Well a mixture of Goth and a biker in my opinion. He looked dreamy and I was beginning to have second thoughts about leaving the house. He reached us and pull me into a hug. His cologne attacking my senses. Yesterday was the last time I saw him but, it sure felt like ages.

'Hey' he whispered in my ear.

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